Favorited tweets, a second ago, on environmental science; favorited by users (with many followers)

Favorited tweets, a second ago, on environmental science; they were favorited by  users:
The tweets on ecology research of Dr. Sergei A. Ostroumov (Moscow University) were favorited


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A Tweet  Sergei A. Ostroumov was mentioned in got favorited!
Sergei A. Ostroumov
KR McMillenKR McMillen
Interactive Ecology is out!paper.li/saphyreblue/13… Stories via@anandaprods @Sergeiost @CanyonRose
05:02 AM - 30 Aug 15
Favorited by

ananda productionsananda productions @anandaprods  (780 followers)
FilmArtistsCo-op-EcoEqualtyPceChr:nirmalaheriza buffystewart lindsaycrouse Fwby @Sundancefest @redfordcenter Sen@TomEHayden (ret) t's by @nirmalaheriza:dryoga

Another Twitter user  (with 4 240 followers)   favorited this:
#approved:  #ecology #research of Dr. S. Ostroumov. #Twitter user #favorited: Overnewser - Nature (@natureovernewz; 4 240 followers)


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