Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- August 5, 2015

Bloomberg editorial: Obama Puts Fear Before Facts on Iran

President Barack Obama took to the airwaves today, aiming to sell Congress and the American people on the wisdom of his nuclear deal with Iran. He had a case to make but chose not to make it. He decided instead to cast legitimate criticism of his pact as ignorant warmongering.

A few examples:

"We have achieved a detailed arrangement that permanently prohibits Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon." Actually, the deal's restrictions end abruptly after 15 years, with some of the constraints on uranium enrichment fading away after just 10. Late in the speech, Obama made the case that much can change in a decade and that the West could be in a stronger position then to continue to block Iran's nuclear desires. But the temporary nature of the deal remained disguised.

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- August 5, 2015

Sanctions against Iran crumble as America wrangles over the nuclear deal -- Simon Tisdall, The Guardian

The Five Fatal Flaws in the Iran Deal -- Rick Richman, Commentary

Iran nuclear deal: Is war the only alternative, as Obama warns? -- Brad Knickerbocker, CSM

The Missile Race in the Middle East -- Aaron Stein, Atlantic Council

The coming partition in Syria -- Joseph A. Kechichian, Gulf News

Why an Iran Deal for North Korea Won’t Happen -- Robert E. Kelly, The Diplomat

Austrian Economics Might Explain China's Turmoil -- Noah Smith, Bloomberg

Russia and China fuel Asia’s other ‘Great Game’ -- Michael Auslin, The Commentator

Here’s One Way the US-China Relationship Is Improving -- Kedar Pavgi, Defense One

Why Obama is losing Africa -- Derek Burney and Fen Osler Hampson, Globe and Mail

Is This the End of Ukraine’s Peace Process? -- Brian Whitmore, The Atlantic

Ditching President Rousseff Won't Help Brazil -- Bloomberg editorial

Pulling Venezuela back from the brink -- CSM Editorial

A Gruesome Murder in Mexico's Last Safe City -- Jason McGahan, Daily Beast

Why DC loves Biden's terrible plan to divide Iraq -- Max Fisher, VOX

Turkey, Malaysia: The End of Moderate Islam? -- Daniel Woker, Real Clear Defense/Lowy Institute

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