A teeny recipe and going about our day.

1/4 cup of brown sugar
1 Tbsp. of cinnamon

Mix together and store in a container with a lid or a shaker.

Does anyone else love this on toast? It's really a Fall delight for me but sometimes I just crave it.
 If you use a 9 grain bread like I do it doesn't sound so bad for you. ;-) Or am I kidding myself. ha!

I went for my daily walk early this morning and was delighted to see all the cattails in the ditch along our road. I always loved them as a kid and would bring them home whenever I came across them. I remember they would puff up, then open and the inside that was filled with tiny developing seeds would explode all over my room. I imagine they weren't my mom's favorite. ;-)

We do not have sidewalks on our road so you basically take your life in your hands as you trod along but this is the route I prefer rather than going into the new development where the cars are fewer and drive slower but the scenery is not as nice. There are older farms along our road and a very active ditch that houses many beautiful insects and frogs. I just stay very close to the ditch and keep my wits about me. I do not plug into a radio.

I thought Audrey might like to say "howdy" but every-time I put the camera on her she gets her knickers in a knot.
                                                                       "Stop it."

She was purring just a minute ago.

The weather is changing quickly here and the days are getting shorter. If I dare look up I can see some colour change in the maples way at the top. We've had many little showers and the humidity is gone for now.
 I haven't shown my perennials at the back of the lot because, well, they don't look all that pretty right now. It's been a challenge keeping the wild morning glory away from them but every day I am back there pulling those nasty vines off. There has been too much rain for some of these plants, too. Things are either done or just not at their best anymore and the tomatoes have really taken over.
I have a teeny bird-bath back here that is hand-made using a dish and an old post.
And a stump of a tree is where I leave some food for the birds and chippies.
It's not fancy but lots of visitors come for a snack.
Believe it or not, there is a whole group of birds back here that never visit my feeders at the front. It was fun discovering them amongst the sumacs. I believe they are mostly sparrows.
I leave them lots of seed and an apple to feast on.
Everything gets eaten every-day.

Our tomatoes are still producing and I'm enjoying at least a few each day now. Amazing tomato sandwiches.
If you look to the right of the photo (2 above) you will see where there is a path leading into the sumac bushes. That path takes you to the end of our property that is bordered with a stone fence. There is also a bit of a 'forest', as the wee ones call it, that is mostly maples and elm trees. It's not a big area but to a little one it is a fun spot to play in. The retired-guy wants to build a tree-house back there for them someday. I'll get back there with my camera later.
For now he is just cleaning up where the old coop was and filling in the hole.
The temporary fence just to show the lot-line will be down when there is time to build a proper one.

Two little chickadees dropped by for lunch.

                                                          Aren't they sweet. :)

Hope you enjoy the last bits of summer.

hugs, Deb

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