Online publications, posts – environmental, aquatic, science, safety, toxicology, ecotoxicology, in English and other languages (Russian, French, Spanish, German, Swedish,
Chinese, Arabic, Portuguese, Turkish, Swedish, Dutch, and other languages)
Publications, bibliography, comments, citations, explanations of novelty
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3681.5202;
The full list (with links. Environmental science. Ecology. 282 pages) see here:
Environmental Science: from key words to key recommended publications (selected)
8 Apr;
In Swedish: Dessa artiklar uppmärksammats av forskare i USA , Italien , Tyskland , Storbritannien , Publikationer som laddas ner , bokmärken , gillade röstade upp : miljövetenskap , ekologi , vatten , toxikologi .
In German: Diese Artikel Aufmerksamkeit von Forschern in den USA, Italien, Deutschland, Großbritannien,... Publikationen , die heruntergeladen wurden (downloaded) , mit Lesezeichen , gemocht, gewählt bis : Umweltwissenschaften , Ökologie , Wasser, Toxikologie.
In French: Ces articles ont attiré l'attention des chercheurs aux États-Unis , Italie , Allemagne , Royaume-Uni, ... Publications qui ont été téléchargés (downloaded), favoris, ont aimé, ont voté en place: sciences de l'environnement , de l'écologie , de l'eau , de la toxicologie :
In Italian: Questi articoli attirato l'attenzione dei ricercatori negli Stati Uniti, Italia, Germania , Regno Unito, ... Pubblicazioni che sono stati scaricati , il segnalibro , ha apprezzato , votato up:
scienze ambientali , ecologia , acqua , tossicologia:
scienze ambientali , ecologia , acqua , tossicologia:
These articles attracted attention of researchers in the U.S., Italy, Germany, U.K., ...
Publications that were downloaded, bookmarked, liked, voted up:
environmental science, ecology, water, toxicology.
In English:
Evidence of merit: Citation in Europe, N.America, S.America, Asia, Australia, Africa :
10 posts, most viewed at the moment, environmental science, water science, ecology, citation, modern ecosystem definition, water self-purification, water quality, FAQ on the book:
These were only some examples;
The full list (with links. Environmental science. Ecology. 282 pages) see here: