Modder Rhu

My first book, Pointing Dogs ,Volume One: the Continentals took twelve years to write, mainly because I’m a slow and sometimes lazy writer. But I also had to travel a heck of a lot to photograph all the continental breeds in their native lands and find and interview experts in each breed. So that meant saving my pennies and holidays to spend on airline tickets, rental cars, hotels, meals and wine. And beer, which we discovered is a breakfast beverage in the Czech Republic. But I digress….

 I am now well into year three of writing Pointing Dogs, Volume Two: The British and Irish Breeds and I am really hoping to wrap it up in half the time it took me to complete Volume One, by the summer of 2017. So over the next couple of years, I will be booking flights, cars, hotels and tables for two at wine bars in North America, England, Ireland, Scotland and various countries in Europe as Lisa and I travel to photograph Pointers and Setters and interview breeders and breed experts from around the world.

And, as luck would have it, we can also find awesome dogs close to home. Not only do some of the biggest names in horse-back field trialing come to Manitoba every year to train and run dogs on the prairies, there are also people living right near us with awesome dogs. Check out these Irish and English Setters owned by Graham Crawford a hunter, field trialer and talented trainer of gundogs. We photographed them the other night less than an hour from our front door!

Modder Rhu by Craig Koshyk on Exposure

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