(en) Mexico, Colectivo Autonomo Magonista - BLACK WORK, INK
LIBERTARIAN Indice + Editorial (ca) [machine translation]
Index ---- The Cupable bifurcated By Pacom. ---- Symbolic Gender oppression By: Nayeli M.
E ---- POEM: "The Moon in the Rebel Heart" By: Leon ---- Anarchism and The Commons By:
Ruben Trejo ---- "Returned Lombroso ha! ...". How the Holy media office producing monsters
in Mexico By Matias ---- Impossible Autogestión Metropolitan By: Ricard Gines ---- POEM:
"Anarchism" By: Pessoa ---- Extractive and Militarism in Latin America Peace Laboratory.
By Rafael Uzcategui --- About Libertarians By Christian Ferrer --- Recommendation belong
Film: "Encounters at the End of the World (2007)" Manuel M ---- Literária belong
Recommendation: Life and Times of Michel K JM Coetzee By Angel ----
On the threshold of skepticism, barbarism, restlessness and nervous breakdown, caused by a
structural crisis of the Mexican political and economic system, it has origins anarchist
publishing this proposal in order to open a space for analysis, reflection and action on
libertarian social realities and contrasts. Different windows anarchists base their
interpretation on the Bakuninist ideas, kropotkinianas, Proudhonist, to name the most
prominent theorists of anarchist thought in the making, are now essential reference points
that help us understand the state of decomposition of "modern society "besides giving us
grounds for action for the abolition of the social system.
With the creation of the magazine Black Work, a modest publishing initiative, we intend to
continue to tiptoe the libertarian tradition that since the last three decades of the
nineteenth century in Mexico and was growing; through the efforts of hardcore anarchists
since that time and prepared the way with the production of publications such as the
Manifesto to all the oppressed and poor in Mexico (written by Julio Lopez Chavez, 1869),
The Radical Convention (weekly, 1886), La Commune (1874), to name a few. The legacy
leaving this first rojinegra tidal influences very significantly in creating publications
that became reference points in time and space; Such is the case of periodic regeneration
in the framework of the Mexican Revolution managed to be not only a benchmark but
libertarian and revolutionary action. What can we say of the subsequent publishing efforts
that eventually flourished thanks to the imagination and the libertarian effort that led
to the creation of The Magazine made Acracia City
Juarez, Chihuahua, in 1918; or conscious action of Monterrey and saw the light in the same
way in 1918. Even in 1924 the anarchist tradition of Monterrey still going strong because
of the birth of Alba Anarchist, shows the great anarchist revolutionary enthusiasm, but
especially the maturation of a plebeian tradition. Likewise, the labor movement adds to
the agitational tradition with the General Confederation of Workers of Zacatecas that
under the inspiration anarcosindicalista gives birth to publishing project called Alma
Obrera in 1923. Under the same revolutionary influence, Emancipation Obrera born in the
bowels of the Mexican Workers Confederation as an anarchist and trade unionist who, by the
way, and since 1914 among workers shaking body. And so, countless efforts have marked the
historical memory not only in the abstract, but they have left in the plebeian way of
those who fight against oppression and exploitation go.
So that our magazine black work joins a tradition that continues not only alive, but in
effect, both in the production of ideas and hermeneutics of them. For us, Anarchy is a
utopia being built here and now, is a common task in building the will, thought, action
and mutual support of each and all colleagues who seek broader, absolute and unrestricted
freedom to humans;
It is, metaphorically, put a black permanent building work. The name of our magazine Black
Work, takes the color of the anarchist black flag and is inspired by the metaphor of the
black labor to consider Anarchy common construction site collectively and autonomously.
Thus, from the thunderous black ink, the insurgent Work is about to burst the eardrums of
idle smug elites that have plunged in misery and despair to millions of human beings on
the planet. Similarly echoed in chorus, after the antiauthoritarian Sonata bakuniniana
imaginative poetic rebellion maxim: I am a citizen of the world and our country is
freedom, to make a fraternal appeal to
anyone libertarian colleague and fellow citizens to cooperate in this effort anarchist
irreverent whose guidance the struggle against the state, capital, church and all
authority in favor of a world of equals; thus demonstrating true devotion to the maximum
libertarian Librado Rivera: governments are the worst calamity and the greatest enemies of
the human race.
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Read Volume Zero Magazine
Black work, but sporadic magazine apocalyptic conception frothy. Not suitable for: Ladies
perpetual candle, patron of boredom, "successful men" metaphysical constipation, observers
lost moments, boring diners verbenas (ie presidential), keepers of power, speculators
everyday life and every bourgeois with cardiac complications ... It is recommended for:
Argonauts of artificial paradises, boredom terrorists, militants wrong praxis, seizure
statist, lefties well behaved and anyone "immoral" in a spirit of reform.
Free magazine for political, public and prisoners of conscience.
Black work is part of Black Ink editorial project which is in charge Magonista Autonomous
Collective (CAMA).
Black work
Contributors (s):
In Venezuela: Rafael Uzcategui.
From Spain-Brazil: Ricard Guines.
From Mexico: Pablo Gaytan.
Design Publisher: Manuel Morquecho E.
Mexico Federal District.
Winter 2014.
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All texts published here are responsibility of the firm and do not necessarily represent
the opinion of the editor group. This editorial work is produced for the purpose of
contributing to the anti-statist and anti-capitalist struggle. Total or partial
reproduction nonprofit is permitted provided that the source is acknowledged.