July is chugging by

I wonder if I am the only one who believes that time is speeding up? Somehow I find that even my days are flying by and what I used to do in one day takes me a few days to do instead. Maybe I am just getting old? Or slow? Or have purposely slowed down how much I am doing? Let's go with the last option...

As the days are going by I have been snapping away and sharing on Instagram which is so quick and handy. Because I don't have too much to say today I thought I would share some of my favourite photographic memories here for those who aren't on Instagram. If you are, please come follow along.

A basketful of beautiful lemons 

Carrot harvest, sweet and tender

Broccoli plants starting out

First pea harvest added to Paella

Lots still left on the vines

My plan to foil these critters worked again.

New potatoes and leeks into a soup

Red lentil soup with garden coriander and chili

Raid the larder bean and spelt soup

Leek and potato soup

Gorgeous homemade chick stock with rice noodles and veg
 How is your July going?

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