Ireland Belfast woman charged for helping daughter procure an abortion by Fionnghuala

(en) Belfast woman charged for helping
daughter procure an abortion by Fionnghuala

Solidarity protests spread across Ireland ---- News broke on the 19th June that a Belfast 
woman is to stand trial for helping her daughter procure an abortion. In response on 24th 
June a letter was handed in signed by 215 abortion activists admitting that they are 
guilty of breaking the law by either taking or helping someone procure the Early Medical 
Abortion (EMA) pill. ---- Alliance for Choice Belfast has organised this action in 
solidarity with the woman charged. A similar action occurred in 2013 when 100 people 
signed a letter admitting to doing the same thing this woman has done and not a single 
person who signed the letter was contacted by police. ---- Instead of waiting for the 
police to come to the signatories this time round their job will be made easier by the 215 
signatories handing themselves into police stations until the charges are dropped.

The logic behind this is quite simple; if you touch one, you touch all.

Abortion law in the north of Ireland is much like the current state in the south; illegal 
except in certain circumstances.

This case is proof that banning abortion simply does not work. There is no such thing as 
"no abortion" merely safe and unsafe abortions. This woman facing jail time is just one of 
the consequences of the misogynistic ban.

Abortions here happen regularly; it is no secret that abortion pills can be obtained 
through organisations such as Women on Web and Women Help Women. This is very clearly a 
scare tactic being used by the state to try and stop these illegal abortions from happening.

In mid July Pro-choice campaigners in the north picketed two of the largest police 
stations to challenge the authorities to arrest them for breaking the law by procuring 
abortion pills. This was in "an act of solidarity" with woman who is being prosecuted for 
obtaining abortion medication for her pregnant underage daughter.

With the abortion law up north being challenged in two different legal cases and the UN 
announcing that Ireland must have a referendum on abortion we cannot help but feel an air 
of hope that women in Ireland will have a choice over their bodies and that the nightmare 
of having to travel or illegally take pills will no longer be the only options available.

Times are changing, what once looked like a fantasy now has the potential to become a 
reality. The pro-choice movement has become more confident, more assertive and most 
importantly has gained a massive amount of support.

This Wednesday protests will take place in Belfast, Galway and Dublin in solidarity with 
the women being prosecuted and the 215 who have signed the letter. The Dublin protest 
will take place at 6pm at the Spire.

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