
Helping to fulfill the Museum's educational mission, here we see Ray Bellock telling a visiting group of children today how a steam locomotive works. That's just one example of the many ways volunteers can contribute their time and talents.

I was out briefly today, doing some cleaning and testing to make sure the wood cars are ready for service on Friday, CA&E Day, and Saturday, the Trolley Pageant.  Not much to show there, so let's see what else was happening nearby.

Jon Fenlaciki just finished waxing the linoleum floor in the 65.  With the new seats, it really looks good.  It will be running in revenue service for the pageant.

John Faulhaber and Gerry Dettloff were working on the D-13, as usual.  It will be pulling a caboose train for the pageant.

I've been away on vacation for a couple of weeks, which is why I haven't had anything to post.  But that will change soon; I have lots of pictures of various museums and displays to present.  I'm not even going to tell you where we were, yet.  But here's a hint: drink Moxie!

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