Collectif Emma Goldman: Face austerity: the anarchist social action (fr)

(en) ucl-saguenay - Collectif Emma Goldman: Face austerity:
the anarchist social action (fr) [machine translation]

We believe that to carry out this struggle against the austerity measures, it is 
insufficient for a revolutionary organization to follow the agenda of reformist 
organizations, waving some flags on the occasion, to organize troops and distributing 
leaflets in the protests. Although necessary, the articulation of a speech against itself 
can not lead to a radicalization of social movements and progress of our political 
positions. We make the observation that we have more need than ever of utopias and 
concrete proposals out with power. Beyond slogans and editorials, we believe it is of 
prime importance for the libertarian movement that it becomes an attractive force and 
actual proposal. ---- It is in this perspective that the Collectif anarchist Emma Goldman 
(CAEG) decided to take inspiration from Greek anarchists, but also an organization at 
first far for the anarchist movement, the Black Panther Party . So, with our thin means 
goods, we wish through events such as solidarity is stronger than austerity (self-managed 
pot, free market, etc.) to promote the self-organization and autonomy for face the 
austerity wind.

Draw practical lessons

We can blame the organization of the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense (BPP) its 
authoritarianism, its amateurism, his fascination with guns and violence or even his 
almost military discipline, but such criticism should not obscure the real roots the 
organization within the American black community. The official story is already amply 
supported. In 1967, one of the first actions of the Panthers was to organize " Negro 
Alert Citizen Patrols "to answer the seventh point of their program: "We demand an 
immediate end to police brutality and murders of blacks . " The armed patrols had as main 
mission to provide legal advice and monitor every police arrest to prevent any abuse of 
rights. Nevertheless, the defensive armed struggle was only part of the solution and for 
the BPP could be divorced from the social and cultural action lengthy. But now, as wrote 
Jonina Abron, former director of leopards newspaper in an essay entitled Serving the 
people: the survival programs of the black panther party , "Unfortunately, these 
activities were not the" sensationalism "of shootings Police and panthers [...], and 
institutional media and historians have not treated the BPP in its entirety . "

"Serve the People"

For the Panthers, it must first serve his community, build unity through propaganda and 
organizing the masses. To do this, the organization has developed in poor neighborhoods 
what she called "survival programs". The best known of these is undoubtedly the Free 
Breakfast for Children, which was initially launched in the San Francisco Bay in 1968 
before spreading across the country. The BPP also launched between 1967 and 1974 a number 
of initiatives, ranging from the establishment of Liberation schools, housing cooperatives 
and free medical centers in the development of systems of care for the elderly or for free 
transport families of detainees, to name a few. Although by its survival program the 
organization has tried to fill the deficiency, if not absence, of social programs of 
various levels of government, the objective of the Black Panther Party was not to provide 
assistance to the poor exclusively. Dozens of organizations working for the integration of 
communities of color in American society already offered help and many charities funded 
charitable works. The BPP envisaged rather social actions as acts of propaganda by the 
fact, intended to raise the awareness of "Have-not" of this world (youth without a future, 
unemployed and long-term unemployed, exploited employees, retirees needy, student 
movements) willing to take action and that they could organize themselves and together 
form a common front face discrimination by governments and the arrogance of the 
capitalists. For Stokely Carmichael and Charles Hamilton, co-authors of Black power: the 
politics of liberation in America , " it is for Black to take control of their lives. 
If we succeed, we will control our lives politically, economically and physically . "

Like the BPP, we believe, in the CAEG, that social and cultural actions can engage the 
largest number and to stimulate initiatives autonomy and empowerment group needed to 
establish a real break popular revolutionary who ultimately will end the privilege of 
operating order and lived under the yoke of capitalism and patriarchy.

Emma Goldman Anarchist Collective invites you on 19 July in his next event: Solidarity is 
stronger than austerity !, the theme Reclaim your park! Marmite self-managed, Happenings 
and more! , to be held at the park located at the corner of Price and Sainte-Anne, 
Chicoutimi, starting at noon.

Link to the Facebook event here .

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