The following was posted on the Bristol Solidarity Network facebook page: ---- Comms
Blockade of slum landlord, tomorrow (Tues 21st) please spread widely: ---- We need to have
maximum involvement to ensure maximum pressure on this slum landlord. ---- Thanks. Please
email us on if you can to tell us how your call /
email went. ---- In solidarity, Bristol Solidarity Network. ---- CALLOUT: MR. BIELA, START
THE REPAIRS! ---- Join Bristol Solidarity Network's fight against a slum landlord and for
decent housing. ---- Mr Ernie Biela, of 58 ETHELBERT ROAD, MARGATE, KENT, CT9 1SB is a
slum landlord intent on maximum profit and minimum responsibility. A family living in one
of his properties in Easton, Bristol have repeatedly asked him for much needed repairs to
their home.
After 8 years of ignoring his tenant's requests for a livable home, Mr. Biela recently
tried to evict them rather than do the right thing and do the repairs. He has arrogantly
flouted the law and disregarded council improvement notices served on him. In phone calls
to the tenants he claims to understand what life is like for immigrants and low income
families. He is very quick to chase rent, claiming he will use it for repairs, but not as
good at fixing the house. He agrees to send builders round to carry out work but instead
sends an eviction notice which we found to be invalid. The family has suffered a great
deal of stress and anxiety facing the threat of being made homeless.
The house is in an appalling state of disrepair, with a seriously leaky roof, huge cracks
in walls and ceilings, broken doors, rotting window frames and intolerable mould, cold and
damp. According to the council there is a class 1 hazard of mould. Four family members,
including three children, have developed asthma as a result of these conditions they have
been forced to live in by the landlord's neglect.
We will not allow this absentee landlord to bully and threaten this family into keeping
quiet about the state of their home. Neither will we let Mr Biela ignore his
responsibility to provide a decent home and safe environment for this family.
It's time to put the pressure on. Please take some time to support this family and make a
stand against this bad landlord.
From Tuesday 21st July we are calling for an ongoing communications blockade and constant
phone and email reminders for Mr. Biela. Call and email this slum landlord to add your
voice to the calls to stop the stalling and start the repairs. For calls from outside the
UK add 0044 instead of the first zero of the phone numbers:
Mr Ernie Biela
Tel: 07917 570624
Email: doing this you may want to use 10 Minute Mail to
create a one-off account. - Ed.)
Mr Biela is the registered director and sole shareholder of 5 companies:
LVG Canterbury Ltd Tel. 01227 714715
Westbere Garage / Canterbury Recovery Services Ltd Tel. 01227 712381
Hedgend Motors Ltd
Mot 4 U Ltd
1 Stop Property Services Uk Ltd
All of these companies are registered here:
6-7 Cecil Square, Margate, Kent, CT9 1BD
Tel. 01843 280004
Please take the time to phone or email. You can also check back on the Bristol SolNet
website for any updates.
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