April 2015 saw the start of a self-organised homeless camp in the city of Manchester. A 
march against austerity culminated in 30-40 people coming together. People who are 
homeless often sleep separately or in small groups. This leaves individuals open to 
assaults from others in the city, regular harassment from the police, and the danger of 
violence. Those who are most vulnerable, young women, face a terrible time. Living in the 
supportive atmosphere of the camp allowed many who had previously felt more isolated and 
vulnerable to be able to tackle other issues. ---- Those in the group were varied. There 
were ex-prisoners, young single women, many substance abusers, and older people who acted 
in a parental role in the group. One man with cancer joined the camp, relaying that he was 
unable to access treatment because he was living on the streets.

Local anarchists also joined the homeless to offer their solidarity, and at first acted as 
advocates, dealing with the police and the council. While some have had to move on, others 
have stayed.

There was a good ethos at the camp with sharing of resources. Someone from the Community 
Bandstand group loaned a PA and music was played around the site of the first camp. This 
had a very positive influence both on the camp members and on the other city users as it 
served to break down barriers between the two groups and reduced the invisibility of the 
homeless people. Food was donated by local people and already established street food 
kitchens. Those in the camp were no longer always hungry and were able to begin to tackle 
other issues around benefits and health.

Unsurprisingly, there has not been a wonderful response from the established charities, 
the council, or the police.

Shelter, charity for the homeless, continued to fundraise near the camp but did not in any 
way help those who were actually in need of it. The AF has always been critical of 
charities, who often exist to provide for their own bosses (in the form of high salaries 
and expense accounts) at the expense of those they supposedly want to help. Charities also 
make it possible for the state to ignore problems that people would usually force them to 
deal with otherwise.

The council offered housing to some people who were sleeping rough but not all, claiming 
that there were people who were intentionally homeless. As one of the people from camp 
said "Nobody wakes up and decides to sleep on the streets. Many of the group haven't even 
been offered something temporary. We want permanent housing for all." Those who were 
offered somewhere with a roof said the offers were patchy and did not account for their 
needs. They were in hostels or group homes, lacking security and privacy. In an act of 
almost unbelievable underhandedness some have been put in hotels several miles from the 
camp area, places which do not accept couples and which deny people the right to take 
their dogs who are, for many, their sole security and companionship. This tactic of divide 
and rule almost beggars belief, forcing apart the community which has been built up.

Police harassment has been ever-present. The camp has been moved on twice by police and 
now exists split between three separate sites. This makes supporting one another difficult 
and any problems that arise have become harder to deal with.

One of the anarchists who has been closely involved from the early days commented that 
this venture has faced many problems.

Firstly, as a result of people being used to told what to do all their lives, whether in 
the prisons, mental hospitals, schools or army, it has been impossible for the campers to 
establish a non-heirarchical, horizontal way of organising and making decisions. Also, 
while some campers were able to introduce a safer spaces policy, there has not been enough 
outreach to create a collective understanding of what such a policy means and how it 
should be applied. Alcohol and drug use has led to argumentative behaviour and the need 
for more confident peacekeepers is great. The people who become loud and aggressive can 
and have been successfully asked to leave, but with only a few people there able to do 
this it has not always happened, leading to some leaving the camp due to safety concerns. 
When anarchists have been sleeping at the camp the police have usually stayed away, but as 
soon as they took a break the cops came back, arresting and harassing in their old style.

The early days of the camp show that it is possible for this kind of venture to provide 
safe place for homeless people to live and regroup, but, without solidarity in the 
struggle, it can be difficult for those sleeping rough to break down the oppressive 
structures they face. While there have been splits and setbacks it is felt that the camp 
can rebuild and hopefully, together, we will see a new space grow.

You can read more about the camp on WTB Solicitors here.

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