Turkey DAF Meydan #27 - METU workers resisting to outsourcing (tr)

Turkey, DAF Meydan #27 - METU workers resisting to
outsourcing (tr) [machine translation]

Güvencesizleştir and spangled geleceksizleştir policies specifically targeted to contract 
workers; The workers are resisting everywhere. Imposed upon them against arbitrary actions 
and exploitation, the workers resisted for life are coming together organized.
contract workers are also themselves at METU "METU Workers' Assembly" with the formation 
that name, since January, exploitation and resisting against outsourcing. Square as a 
newspaper interview we did with METU Workers Assembly, we share with you. ---- Hi, first 
you tell us about the establishment of the Workers' Council METU? How did this idea 
emerged and how life? METU What is the structure of the Workers' Council? ---- METU 
Workers Assembly; In January last year of employment contracts made in METU, after we have 
done without the knowledge of contract workers, due to the expense of workers' clause in a 
contract, is a community coming together of our fellow workers. All the decisions taken 
together owned all of that is a council discussed the problems of workers in the weekly 

METU we see that the Workers Council emphasized self-organization. Few examples of this 
subject is standing in front of us. What do you think could be the effect in a similar way 
as in your efforts and your experience on this issue of self-organized structures being 

We mean only the self-organization of workers formed and decisions made ​​by the only 
employee, a self-organization is not in any political structure or the next. This is all 
our friends creating self-organization of workers have tried to come together. Our 
problems, our partners say the old UK. To meet our friends we do not even see his face, it 
was the most important experience for us. We hope to be an example for other components of 
this organization and struggle of our laborers Assembly.

METU Workers Assembly, Presidency and Medico (Medical Center) was organized in front of 
various actions. Can you talk about your actions and your claim?

Rector before the beginning of April we made a wage that we can live in dignity among the 
main demands of our action; Regulation in favor of the workers arbitrarily used by 
businesses that METU administration; insufficient number of staff to the cessation of a 
lot of work done; mainly administrative superiors, managers from all kinds of 
psychological violence, mobbing, an end to harassment; The end of the works commissioned 
unprotected and without need of training; To benefit from the Medical Center as our other 
staff and fellow students; Our work must be corrected; our children from nursery to 
benefit on an equal footing; We received reports had to be made because of health problems 
due to cuts in our wages. Approximately 300 people participated in this action, we shout 
our demands one by one in front of the rector's office and have forwarded the request of 
the rector of the petition was written.

Representatives went to talk with the rector of your last action. What was the attitude 
towards the President's Office requests?

METU administration, although it is listened to us but the facilities were not respond to 
any of our claim.

METU, which is next to the laborer a school known as dense, it appears that you request 
your stance runs contrary to METU profile. You are what you think about this topic?

Nevertheless, we have organized an action in April, to remain silent against injustice 
done to the workers that METU administration, wrote a letter to management and we try to 
convey to them our thoughts. Students and academics in support of the actions that we 
wrote to the management letter read, we reiterated our demands. The last word in our 
letter: "Please note that an empty stomach and lead to the biggest riots", respectively.

In recent days, depending on the disc of workers in METU General Workers' Assembly-we know 
that members of the Business Union. Can you talk about your unionization process?

METU as Workers Assembly, we have regular weekly meetings as a result of decisions taken 
as a result, we started DISC General-Business Sendikası'yl unionization process. We soon 
as they reached a sufficient number.

How do you plan to engage in action in the coming period?

We will continue our struggle for our rights until we receive.

Square in the newspaper, exploitation, and we welcome you have given your fight against 

Square performs this interview for the newspaper to thank the comrades from Taçanka.


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