The Last Inspection

The 36 was the last of our four operating cars to be inspected in 2015.  (That's the nice thing about cars like the 205 and the 150 -- they don't require all this onerous work every year.)  It took all day Tuesday but no problems were found.  I was too busy to take any pictures of the inspection, but the weed-spraying truck was here for its annual visit. 

Note the grading that has been done in yards 14 and 15.

Today I finished painting the roof of the 36 early in the morning, but it was too hot and humid to continue with the letterboard as I would have liked.  So I cleaned up the interior for revenue service.  It badly needed vacuuming and so on.

Here is the main compartment.

Looking out the "solarium" end:


And, of course, the repainted smoker.  

Since only one side is lettered, I needed to turn it around, and today was a good opportunity.  It also gave me a chance to take some pictures of the 36 at historic locations....

Here we are making a station stop along the Cook County branch.

And approaching Batavia.

I also got to do some consulting work on the Charles City engine.  The question arose as to how the DB-102 circuit breaker is supposed to function, and what the purpose of the DB-597 relay might be.  Because this is a dual-voltage system, it has several unusual features, but I believe we have it all worked out now.  I'd like to get a good scan of the (nicely framed) diagram, but for now this photo works pretty well.

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