I love a really good granola . . . and now that I am Gluten Free, Really Good Granola is not easy to find. So, I searched the internet for grain free granola.
You know what the secret is?
Lots of nuts.
I use a mix of Almonds, Pecans, Pumpkin seeds, and Sunflower seeds. If you are using roasted or salted nuts, you might want to cut out the salt in the recipe
NuTty Granola
1 cup shredded coconut
1 cup dried cranberries
5 cups assorted nuts
2 egg whites
2 Tbs water
3 Tbs coconut oil
1/3 cup honey
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp cinnamon
pinch of salt
Chop the nuts. They need to be a mix of choppedness. I did some in the processor, and some with my big knife. Combine the nuts with the coconut and about half the cranberries. ( I like my cranberries to be more fresh and moist, so had the other half later)
In a separate bowl, mix the oil, honey and spices. Whisk in the egg white. Add all of this to the nutty mess.
When it is well combined. . . spoon onto a baking sheet.
Bake at 300 for 30 minutes. Take out after 20 minutes, stir and add the remaining cranberries.
When it is looking browned, remove from the oven.
Important . . . Allow to SIT till it is cooled.
This is when it forms those nutty clumpy clusters
I love it on yogurt, but it would also be great on oatmeal or just by the nutty handfuls.
Y'all enjoy ~