Three new additions this week --
Pirate's Alley by Suzanne Johnson is the 4th book in the Sentinels of New Orleans series. I bought my hardcover copy through Amazon Marketplace. I have read and enjoyed the first three books in this series.
The Queen of the Tearling by Erika Johansen was a Kindle Daily Deal this week. I had read the ARC but was glad to be able to buy a copy for my Kindle.
Early this Spring I was asked, by email, if I wanted to read and review Your Next Breath by Iris Johansen. I said yes despite the fact that it was the 4th book in the series and I hadn't yet read the first and third book in the series.
Then, I waited ... and waited ... and watched others post their reviews. When I emailed to ask when my copy was coming, I learned that it must have been lost in the mail, that no more ARCs were available, but that they would send me a finished copy. When I arrived at my summer home on Wednesday, a lovely, hardcover copy was waiting for me.
What did you add to your stack this week?