Small town near Detroit now has a big problem because they hired an Ex Detroit cop, who was already dirty. 1.4 million dollar lawsuit they lost from his corrupt actions, false arrest, assault, and planting drugs. Be careful out there, the cops are not to be trusted, record every thing they do

Inkster Michigan, has to raise taxes, because the cops went roid rage on an innocent guy, they filed a false report, planted cocaine in his car, and beat the hell out of him.

Inkster Police said 57-year-old Dent was found in possession of cocaine, had refused to show his hands, and made a verbal threat towards the officers.

Results of a polygraph test, however, told a different story – as did dash-cam video of the incident. Police claimed Dent was trying to flee in his car, but dashcam footage clearly shows Dent comply with officers by pulling over before opening his car door, in order to address them.

 At no point does the footage show any attempt at retreat, or threatening actions. Dent was arrested on numerous charges, including driving with a suspended license, resisting a police officer, simple assault and battery of a police officer, and possession of crack cocaine, which police allege was found in the car.

In lieu of the video, as well as a polygraph test Dent passed with flying colors, the officers’ claims came under suspicion. Eventually, all charges against Dent were dropped and he filed a civil lawsuit.

He settled that suit with the city of Inkster for $1.4 Million, last week. The only problem is, the city cant seem to come up with the money. But don’t worry, local officials have a solution – a tax hike.

Thats right, Inkster is seeking a one-time tax hike this summer from residents. The July 1 tax bill levies 6.45 mills, city treasurer Mark Stuhldreher said Monday.

 The now fired Inkster Police officer seen in the footage applying the chokehold to Dent is Ex-Detroit Police Officer William Melendez – who was known as “Robocop” in that department. While working in Detroit, Melendez was indicted along with 16 other officers in 2003 for the charges of planting evidence, falsifying reports, and stealing seized cash and property.

A jury found Melendez not guilty, but he is again facing claims of planting evidence and falsifying reports in connection with Dent’s cocaine charge.

Last week, Melendez began his criminal trial on charges of misconduct in office and assault with intent to do great bodily harm. Judge Sabrina Johnson also allowed the prosecution’s request for an additional charge of assault by strangulation: a 10-year felony.

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