Mini Currents 06. 06. 15

The word for today is... Blogging. I have knocked out tremendous amounts of posts today. I am backlogging many because I'm trying to keep up. I feel great for once about backlogging posts because it's helping me grow as a blogger.

My kids and I have had a blast today as well. We went through the house giving each and every room a Disney quote! Its was hilarious to see what they came up with for each room.

Jessica and I worked on some new stickers and everything. It felt great to be coming up with new ideas and talking about marketing ideas. Marketing ideas are something I love to talk about anyhow.


Favorite Beauty Product:

Wet Brush - I woke up with a ton of tangles!

Favorite Food of the Day: 

Hawaiian Pizza

Favorite Song:

This Summer Gonna Hurt - Maroon 5

Favorite Line from the book I'm reading:

N/A - I didn't read today again

Favorite Pin I Found on Pinterest:

Favorite thing taking place in the future:

Erin Condren Release!!!

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