Many Eyewitnesses In This Russian City Taught They Were Looking At A Nuclear Mushroom Cloud

TERRIFYING: The massive mushroom cloud left many witnesses fearing a nuclear attack [CEN]

Daily Star: Armageddon strikes: Massive cloud sparks Russian nuclear attack panic

WITNESSES thought World War 3 had kicked off when a giant 'nuclear' cloud was spotted looming over an entire city.

The huge shape floating above homes and businesses sparked widespread panic as people took to social media to find out if the end of the world was coming.

Many in the city of Tyumen in south central Russia believed it was the beginning of a nuclear war.

Photos of the ominous mushroom cloud quickly went viral in Russia.

Alexander Bogdanov posted a photo on Instagram saying: "World War III has begun.

"I photographed it from my window."

WNU Editor: It does look like a mushroom cloud after a nuclear explosion. If you want to compare .... the nuclear explosion that destroyed the Japanese city of Nagasaki during the Second World War looked like this at ground level (the pic is here).

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