Libertarian Spring Day in Havana was held for the second consecutive year. (ca)

 Libertarian Spring Day in Havana was held for the second
consecutive year. (ca) [machine translation] (

51 people participated Cuba, Germany, Dominican Republic, Netherlands, United States, 
Spain, Canada and France. ---- Photo: Jorge Luis Baños ---- Havana, Cuban anarchists jun.- 
August concluded the second Sunday Libertarian Spring Day in Havana, a meeting sponsored 
by independent groups Workshop Libertarian Alfredo Lopez, the Rangers and the Cristo 
Salvador Location. ---- From May 29 to June 7, the participants mostly young tested what 
they call "an open and dynamic processes anti-authoritarian and anti-capitalist space" 
where items such as "horizontal", "mutual learning" and "responsibility" were in the base. 
---- They met the five-day program of work and discussions 51 participants from Cuba, 
Germany, Dominican Republic, Netherlands, United States, Spain, Canada and France.

Apart from Mexico, the US and Argentina, collaborations were sent.

With the intention of developing a meeting that included transcendental to these groups, 
critics of the current Cuban institutional order, issues the day was articulated by five 
general lines.

The first line of work referred to the anti-authoritarian creations. Here artistic 
experiences in Cuba and the world, which were the result of a process of horizontal 
collective work and outside institutions were presented.

Also, the new scene of interstate relations between Cuba and the United States restarted 
on December 17, 2014, had its corresponding analysis between the Cuban anarchists.

"We do not know the terms of this negotiation. This is a punch that contributes to a 
miracle-minded and leaves us as passive spectators ", valued members of the Libertarian 
Workshop in a presentation.

"We are concerned also that new opportunities for capital to exploit generate" more "and" 
better "to our people; they intensify conformity, insignificance and misery, through the 
work of more consumption, more predation environment and invasion of mass culture, "they 

In the discussions the economic measures of the current reform archipelago living and 
social costs were evaluated also criticized.

For its part, the collective The Rangers explained the relationships of the companies that 
make up the American Coalition of Agriculture by Cuba with protective legislation contrary 
to environmental and workers and promoters of GM crops environmentally harmful practices.

Assigned to the group that now lobbies in Washington to lift the blockade imposed on Cuba 
since 1962 and expand exchanges in the field of agriculture, are the American Farm Bureau 
Federation, American Soybean Association, National Corn Growers Association and the 
International Dairy Foods Association, among others.

Also discussed were issues related to gender, race, sexual orientation, eating patterns, 
discrimination and authoritarianism.

The presentation of several independent publications such as art fanzine "black meat", the 
environmental bulletin "The Ranger" and number five in print of the Cuban anarchist 
newspaper "New Earth" was held.

The first edition of this day took place last year.

According to historian and social activist Mario Castillo, these experiences have managed 
to "establish valuable links with people who are part of other circuits, which can be very 
helpful for social work and the expansion of space and libertarian perspectives in the 
context Cuban ". (2015)

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