KSID: 1/3rd Of Korean MERS Cases Without Co-Morbidities



# 10,244


While we’ve seen apparently healthy people infected with the MERS virus in the past, cases from the Middle East have been mostly been described as being elderly, and having significant co-morbidities. Since the majority of outbreaks have been associated with healthcare facilities, that probably skews those numbers a bit.


This weekend the Korean Society for Infectious Diseases (KSID)  has released an analysis of the 1st 98 Korean MERS cases, and it finds that while the majority of cases had some co-morbidities – 36.7% were apparently healthy at the time of infection.


Some additional findings include:

  • The most common symptoms reported were fever (86.7%), cough (37.8%), phlegm (23.5%), myalgia (27.8%), dyspnea (18.4%), diarrhea (11.2%) and sore throat (7.1%). 
  • Men outnumbered women nearly 2:1, and the median age was 53.7 years. 
  • Unlike in Saudi Arabia, kidney disease is not listed as a major co-morbidity, although that may simply have to do with several KSA dialysis centers having been hit by the virus.
  • Obesity, which is frequently mentioned in Saudi cases, is much less common in South Korea, probably accounting for the low percentage indicated.

Although portions of the charts don’t fully translate, here are some excerpts from the announcement by the KSID



2015 Middle East respiratory syndrome came to the country (MERS)

Research institutions: Institute of Infection
Survey: The 2015 June 16,

Survey: Homers confirmed 98 people had collected data are available in patients

1 Survey background

Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) is traveling the Middle East, one of the first patients May 20, 2015, while returning the first country in infectious diseases and epidemic began Homers corona virus (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus; MERS-CoV) that causes respiratory The infected.

The purpose of the survey: The survey Korean experts in the field of infectious diseases without ever emerging infectious disease epidemic by providing the closest ever experienced clinical information to physicians working has been implemented in order to contribute to save lives of people.

Methodology: we collected patient information from the medical staff of the hospital to treat patients Homers. 58 Gather data on June 8, 2015 the first survey was conducted, followed by collecting data on June 16, 2015 a total of 98 patients were analyzed material. Among the patients included in the primary survey may missing from the second survey. There may be some overlap with patients with missing data as missing a number of dynamics. This report will be updated weekly data.

2. What kind of people have been infected?

Age of infected people was between 53.6 (median) in the 17-year-old center with 85 years. Age distribution of concrete is shown in Table 1. During the entire infected medical personnel was 13.3%.

3. Is Infected patients are hospitalized at the time of any major symptoms?

Most of the infections diagnosed (86.7%) was the first main symptom is fever. Other cough (37.8%), phlegm (23.5%), myalgia (27.8%), dyspnea (18.4%), headache (14.3%), diarrhea (11.2%), sore throat (7.1 percent) followed behind.

4. Did you have some infected patients have comorbidities usual?

An infected person without a special forces were remaining 36.7% who were leading a variety of diseases. Hypertension (21.4%), diabetes mellitus (18.4%), solid organ tumors (13.3%), heart disease (10.2%), current smokers (8.2%), chronic lung disease (7.1%), chronic liver disease (6.1%). obesity (4.1%), central nervous system disease (3.1%), blood cancer (3.1%) was the like. What is chronic kidney disease who had ever Unlike the first country in the Middle East in the Middle East because the hospital was to fashion a hospital hemodialysis is the case of our country, because there was no such bias.

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