Korean MERS Cluster Rises To 172 Cases, 27 Deaths



# 10,246


The Korean CDC has published an update announcing 3 more MERS cases, and two additional deaths.  A total of 50 people have now been released from the hospital, and 95 remain under treatment.  Of those, 14 are listed as `not stable’.


The three new cases are all listed as linked to hospital exposures.The two deaths are listed as patient #101  (84 y.o. male) and #128 (87 y.o. male).  


Homers ( Middle respiratory diseases ) one days Tracking

- Now confirmed a total of 172 patients , hospital discharge 50 patients (29.1%) died 27 patients (15.7%), treatment of 95 patients (55.2%).

- Now confirmed yesterday against three persons , discharged Now seven people , dead two people increases

- it is treated 95 patients stable state is 81 persons (85.3%), unstable 14 patients (14.7%).

- Now type of hospital patients confirmed 80 patients (46.5%), family / visit 59 patients (34.3%), hospital workers 33 patients (19.2%).

<1> confirmed party general status

□ Department of Health and Human Services Homers central management task force is 6.22 at 06 o'clock today , Homers ( Middle respiratory disease ) who confirmed the previous day three persons increased 172 persons he said .

○ The discharge 50 patients (29.1%) in 7 patients neuleotgo , the death toll is 27 people (15.7%) in 2 patients increased , the patient is being treated 95 patients (55.2%) in six patients shrank .

- General Status Confirmed characters ]

[ Unit : Name ]


<2> newly diagnosed party status

□ confirmed three people were increased .

○ 170 The first confirmed 76 confirmed first-party and 6.6 were hospitalized in the same ward at Konkuk University Hospital ,

○ 171 The first confirmed 5.27 - 5.29 were admitted to the emergency department at Samsung Seoul Hospital ,

○ 172 -th confirmed the caregivers who worked in the hospital hall .

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