After a series of experiments in "magic wand" completed successfully, the next goal came: the integration process of the new interceptor system in the Air Force officially began last week, with the construction of the nuclear establishment interception system. A nucleus of the construction will begin their migration in the coming days with "Rafael", leading to the development of Israel. "Members of the group will lead and teach the use of weapons (weapons), advanced age, migration started officially," said the commander of the nucleus of a new establishment Interception Major Gilad Malka.
A "magic wand" will provide protection against medium-range missiles and systems will range from "Iron Dome" anti-missile protective and short-range rockets, and the "Arrow" which deals with long-range missiles. The new system began the initial absorption measures air defense system (Magna) would provide a response to specific threats to the State of Israel. "No doubt this is a historic day," said an Hhgn"a commander, Brigadier-General Shahar Shochat. 'System' magic wand ' departed this stage with the best of our people, of various ranks and have experience in a variety of different weapons system operator. "
First Battalion will be built next year
This is not the first time that the system of Hhgn"a interception system receives a new breakthrough in its field, but the core of the construction of a "magic wand" is the largest erected to date and has experienced fighters variety of different weapons systems of the array: "Iron Dome", "diamond" (Patriot) and Arrow "." This fabric core give a significant advantage in the absorption process, we chose the people carefully, "said Maj Malka. "The role of the nucleus is retrained to perform and to pass it on. The next step is to create a team absorption system construction".
As stated, the nucleus of the construction will begin this week conversions and learning system in the defense industry, "Rafael." "We anticipate that next year the first battery system will be established in the near future and is expected to be completed construction of the first battalion. Until then, we look forward to working hard in the absorption system is a Hhgn"a of the Air Force. We have great motivation. " Simultaneous with the system absorbing flock Force personnel take care to allow the consolidation "core construction" of the system by raising the array Hhgn"a many fighters of the Air Force.