Is The World Running Out Of Fresh Water?

Washington Post: New NASA data show how the world is running out of water

The world’s largest underground aquifers – a source of fresh water for hundreds of millions of people — are being depleted at alarming rates, according to new NASA satellite data that provides the most detailed picture yet of vital water reserves hidden under the Earth’s surface.

Twenty-one of the world’s 37 largest aquifers — in locations from India and China to the United States and France — have passed their sustainability tipping points, meaning more water was removed than replaced during the decade-long study period, researchers announced Tuesday. Thirteen aquifers declined at rates that put them into the most troubled category. The researchers said this indicated a long-term problem that’s likely to worsen as reliance on aquifers grows.

WNU Editor: The Arabian Aquifer System in the Middle East is .... according to the report .... the most stressed groundwater basin in world. Is the impacting the current conflict in Yemen .... definitely. But warnings on how the Yemenis were treating their water supplies to treat their khat habit were issued years ago .... Is Yemen Chewing Itself to Death? .... but no one did anything.

More News On The World's Fresh water Supplies Running Out

Millions Face Thirst as World's Water Supply Reaches Critical Level -- Sputnik
Third of the globe's largest groundwater basins are distressed -- UPI
Global Water Shortage: Study Says Third of Aquifers Running Dry -- NBC
Global water supplies are ‘in distress’, scientists warn -- Financial Times
Many of the world's water basins are being depleted, studies find -- L.A. Times
A Third Of The Planet's Largest Groundwater Reservoirs Are Now At Risk: Study -- IBTimes
World Is Running Short Of Water, Many Groundwater Resources 'Overstressed,' Study Warns -- Tech Times
Global Water Going Fast: How Much Is Left? -- Discovery

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