Is the Euro a failure?

Without scaremongering,  this was planned , dollar collapse is next.

Human economic life will be pushed off a cliff soon by the Elites who are in charge of money for centuries.

Wars and tragedies will follow the economic collapse.

The average man on the street is still kept busy watching dance and music shows.

We are in Sovereign debt crisis 2015-2017/20 which destroys societies and countries.

Puerto Rico is going down as well 

These problems hit Asia next year 2016 and 2017 when global interest rates rise and cheap loan money evaporates.

Don't believe dog and pony media articles and writings quoting govt sources.

MSM is there to confuse the public, not help them

These problems are caused by excessive government borrowing and spending to which the Govt and its pension Babus never agree to.

The last time when such a thing happened was 1931 when our grand parents were children, hence the knowledge was never passed on to us.

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