(en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL - 4th Fair for
self-management, Montreuil, July 4 and 5 (fr, it, pt) [machine
Tired of the hierarchy? the logic of profit? Self-management is for you! ---- Welcome
Frequently self-management! It is organized this year by more than 80 structures that
sustain the idea of self-management and practice every day: a collective galaxy,
associations, companies, production cooperatives, trade unions and political. ---- All and
all together give more strength to self-management into a tool of resistance and break
with the capitalist and productivist system. Other modes of thoughts, decisions and
organizations are possible. The goal is to collectively decide on common affairs without
delegate of Officers, politically and economically. ---- Self-management is part of a long
history, that of cooperatives and "Business recoveries" of the Paris Commune to the Prague
Spring, the Spanish Revolution to Poland in August 1980 Lip in Argentinazo in 2001.
It is renewed today through the self-organized struggles: the recovery of threatened
closing businesses and also multiple alternatives in health, education, housing,
agriculture, ecology...
Reclaiming production, it is also able to transform its terms and purposes. Anchored in
concrete practices, worn as a global project, self-management is both a tool in everyday
life and a possible response to the bankruptcy of the capitalist and statist system.
The 4th Fair for self-management will be held on 4 and 5 July 2015 to the Wandering Word
in Montreuil. In this fair, self-managed itself, lively and cheerful, catalyst alternative
experiences and struggles, you will find both booths and forums, debates and workshops,
concerts and theater, films and animations a children and a library area, a canteen and a
This year, discussions and screenings will also be organized during the 10 days preceding
the weekend.
General Meeting of April 9, 2015
This year the Fair will take place on Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 July, the wandering Word
Debergue 9 Francis Street in Montreuil (93), metro Croix-de-Chavaux. With ten days of
various events prior.
Do not hesitate to send us your proposals!