France, Alternative Libertaire AL #250 - ecology: Transport: Getting out of the car (fr, it, pt)

(en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL #250 - ecology:
Transport: Getting out of the car (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]

The private car is at the heart of our modern societies. It has become the main means of 
transport, and now largely determines our industrial organization, commercial, social. But 
it is also the center of the current ecological crisis. ---- Mass production of 
automobiles from the early twentieth century, made possible thanks to technical progress 
(combustion engine, assembly lines, mining) and the oil flowing in streams, has increased 
steadily since then and the world now has more than 1 billion vehicles on the road. ---- 
Offering freedom, ease and speed of travel, the car accompanied the great social changes 
of the last century, such as distance between workplace and home, the development of 
residential areas, the concentration of commercial activities in peripheral areas of 
cities , or the creation of huge industrial production areas, with their social struggles 
and economic disasters (Detroit city in the United States, Seguin Island in Paris).

Gradually, the car has become essential for the majority of the population, with the 
exception of residents and inhabitants of city centers sometimes have other means of 
transport (cycling, public transport). And great marketing reinforcement, it even became a 
symbol of individual identity, everyone can express their personality in choosing the 
make, model, color ... This is the absolute triumph of the consumer society Mass: 
transform a tool (travel) instrument of personal expression.

Resource intensive and time

In his thundering boom, the automotive industry has led to the development of many 
sectors, with their share of social conflicts, environmental disasters and imperialist 
relations. Rubber for the tires (with the genocide of Congolese and native Amazonian 
forests to exploit rubber), oil for gasoline and its derived plastics (wars in the Middle 
East, oil spills), metals to the body (and social struggles mining accidents), glass for 
windows, and now electronic.

In France, the car is thus the third natural resource consumption station, behind the 
construction and packaging, with about 20% of the total consumption of aluminum and steel, 
and 10% of that of plastics. This not to mention the construction of roads, parking lots, 
oil infrastructure, etc.

The car is also, directly or indirectly, one of the main current polluters. By noise, the 
emission of fine particles causing asthma, allergies and cancers, and CO2 emissions 
contributing to climate warming. Indirectly through the impact of all the above industries 
related to it, by the massive asphalting and fragmentation of natural areas, pollution 
discharges and breakages. But the car is more a notorious assassin, with approximately 1.3 
million deaths per year by accident in the world, and 20 to 50 million injured-es.

At a time of global ecological crisis, it appears urgent to drastically reduce the use of 
cars in our daily lives. And that one does not come we promise "clean" cars, because it 
consumes resources to build a car regardless of its fuel, and it is still no power 
perfectly "green" (or agrofuels or renouvelables1, not to mention nuclear ...).

How one would do without a car?

If we removed the car, we already gain in free time. Philippe Bihouix in Age Low Tech, 
believes that the activities of some way to the car represent between 30% and 40% of 
French GDP (construction and maintenance, extraction and processing of raw materials, 
infrastructure, government, medical, signage, cleaning blackened facades, etc.).

So without a car, we could remove much of these activities, take the opportunity to 
redistribute and reduce working time. And we reorient transport to a lighter system for 
society and the environment, based mainly on public transit, cycling and motorized 

Continue to dream and think about the cities cleared of cars. Keep some space for trams, 
bicycles, buses, even when it would release vast areas to develop urban agriculture and 
more user-friendly public spaces. And just as quickly it would move, since the average 
speed of cars in Paris today is 13 km / h, barely faster than a bike! Imagine also the 
villages develop new local services and local circuits of production and distribution, 
which are currently concentrated in shopping centers or cities, accessible by car.

Social reorganization

Of course there is no question for the moment to pass completely from the car. We are too 
used es the opportunities it offers, and the establishment of an alternative 
transportation system and changing the economic and social fabric, based for now on the 
car, take time.

Even in the future, it will surely be necessary to keep motor vehicles for some public 
services (ambulances, fire), for deliveries, or even for private travel in poorly equipped 
areas with other means of transport. But these vehicles could be different today, designed 
and operated so as to save resources and energy. Smaller, simpler, slower, durable, 
repairable and standardized, shared within consumer groups. Many possibilities exist, but 
require a social and economic reorganization totally opposed to the capitalist logic.

Jocelyn (AL Gard)

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