CIDRAP Recaps Korea's MERS Situation

# 10,137

The news continues to come hot and heavy out of Korea, China and Hong Kong - along with the WHO - on their MERS outbreak.  Crof and I tend to take and process emerging disease news items as they come over the transom, and between our two blogs post 20 or more times a day.

Keeping up can be difficult, which makes the end-of-day reporting by the team at CIDRAP News  particularly valuable, as they are very good at putting together a coherent `big picture' of the day's happenings. 

Below you'll find a link to last night's round up by Lisa Schnirring, of which I've only excerpted a small portion.  Follow the link to read:

As Korean MERS cases grow, experts analyze patterns 

Lisa Schnirring | Staff Writer | CIDRAP News
Jun 02, 2015

South Korea announced 5 more MERS-CoV cases today, raising the number of cases to 30 and leading experts to question if the rapidly evolving hospital cluster is following a pattern seen in Saudi Arabia or if other factors are helping fuel the outbreak. 
South Korea is on a list of 16 countries—including the United States—that have reported travel-linked cases. Its outbreak began on May 20 with the detection of MERS-CoV  (Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus) in a man who had returned from the Middle East. 
A flurry of hospital-linked illnesses linked to the man, though, has quickly vaulted the country into the third-most-affected country, behind Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. 
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