AMS 12 Day Mountaineering Course 6/8, Nick D'Alessio

Weather window seems to be the term of the day this week.  The AMS 12 day Mountaineering team with Instructors Nick D'Alessio, Karina Amortegui and Ariel Svetlik-McCarthy just flew to the Pika Glacier this morning.  After several practice runs, including packing up the planes last night, they were happy to wake up to very clear weather this morning with calls from the air taxi to load up and fly in!  We know this wonderful team with have a great time.

Back Row Instructor Nick D'Alessio, Heather, Ceri, Vera, David, Tristan, Ted,
Front Row Instructors Ariel Svetlik-McCarthy,  Karina Amortegui, Whitney, Merlin, Luca

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