Abuse storyline for Coronation Street

Next week on Coronation Street we'll see the start of an abuse storyline on the show.  It's Simon who's going to start attacking Leanne.

The previews for next week say that Simon grows increasingly moody and storms out of the flat when Leanne asks him to help with some jobs.

He later returns in a foul mood, angrily reminding Leanne that his mum is dead and hurls the TV remote at her, hitting her in the face. Leanne's stunned.

Simon apologises for losing his temper but Leanne marches him round to No.1 and leaves him with Ken. Ken is curious about her bruise.

I think it's easy to understand Simon's frustrations, although I wish he wasn't taking them out on Leanne.  He's lost yet another "uncle" father figure, his real dad is nowhere to be seen and he's had a lack of stability throughout his young life. When he finds out that grandma Deirdre has died, I wonder if he'll go off the rails even more, or whether the brief return of Peter for the funeral will help him calm down.

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