Turkey, DAF Meydan #26 - "Archoscienti to" - Merve Iron (tr)

(en) Turkey, DAF Meydan #26 - "Archoscienti to" - Merve Iron
(tr) [machine translation]

Nöroanatomist Baden in Germany in 1800 Franz Joseph Gall, the shape of the skull of an 
individual's character and the other characters that upset out whether he claimed could be 
detected. This claim nonsense, science was accepted by the world before the phrenology 
name as a science; When in 1850 the point was removed from being a science. ---- Francis 
Galton in England in 1900 in Birmingham, al world of the British public of the more 
successful and intelligent people claimed it was. Galton argued that it is important for 
humanity of the proliferation of the British people. This absurd claim was accepted by the 
United Kingdom. American James Watson in 1954, surpassing the British Galton claimed that 
there are differences between the brains of people living in different regions. The claim 
of the people of the white race, was based on the argument that intelligent than other 
insanar. James Watson received the Nobel Prize as a scientist who is in the DNA double 
helix. Along with receiving the Nobel Prize he was appointed professor of biology at 
Harvard University. Not criticized alleged racist.

In 2010, that today, Calif Elizabeth Sowell, rich of the brain, has claimed that is 
greater than the poor brain. This claim was identified in the size covalent akıllıkl. To 
convert a scientific theory that claim, it was made to the 2000 survey on the subject for 
years. Neurologists from different universities participated in the survey, psychiatrists 
and psychologists claim that "poverty which adversely affect brain development" endorsed 
the argument. Perinatolog are going a little further back, the rich and the poor is seen 
from pregnancy difference between the brain; poor by the rich mother's mother lived in 
constant stress and eating disorders, announced that slows the baby's brain development. 
Geneticists increasingly back, the small size of the brain of the poor, they can take the 
gene transferred from generation to generation attempted to research.

Principles of science in the 1840s consisted recently. New concepts used in the principles 
one by one came out in the open. The concept of pseudoscience was such a concept. The name 
means "sahtebilg," this concept is, scientific community was used as a fake Department. 
The scientific world is absurd thesis that occur with each proposition, showed 
scientifically so that it will not be accepted. But German Franz Joseph Gall, after quite 
a long time racist arguments were considered by the British Francis Galton's 
pseudoscience. To make matters worse, American James Watson's extreme racist theses, 
thanks to the discovery of the DNA helix to get the Nobel Prize and was never accepted by 
pseudoscience. Because the science of fitting the white dissertation "fitting them," he 
will not be so white. This, as well as racism, was the effect of class contradictions.

Color difference between the world's rich and poor countries, would accentuate the 
difference in class for the same concept. This is racist and that we can draw from the 
study by Elizabeth Sowell and his friends continued the same approach with the bourgeois 
scientists: "The rich are smart poor fool. But they can also wise if the poor rich. 
"Precisely says that Elizabeth Sowell. Tiksinip from poverty to riches coveted by all the 
poor, more and more will try to get rich. Rich and poor will live in more comfortable're 
working. In this research, it is not inherently equal, a study justify a world where 
everything is permissible to prosper. And like the others, this research will also be 
accepted by the scientific world of science. Scientific research is complex and confusion 
behind racism, fascism and colonialism concepts such power is reserved. The world of 
science to our understanding of this study do not need to fabricated information. The 
power that we need a selfish, competitive, is to know and live their exploitative 
behavior. To understand this also adds a rich abundance of the crushing abundance "mind" 
is not; the poor "stupid" and share his solidarity must live with the growing anger and 
oppression. Elizabeth Sowell and his friends will understand through scientific research - 
yaşayamayacağı- this is it.

If you are in need science to new claims and description of the world; With this article 
I'll describe a new concept for the scientific world. My claim is that; * archoscientik 
science is too add meaning to life that all living things.

Archoscienti A: I İktidarcıbil.

Merve Demir



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