TRINITY SUNDAY*: Morning Prayer at St. Alban Episcopal Mission/English, Antigua, Guatemala

Casa Convento Concepcion, Antiqua, Guatemala

WELCOME to Saint Alban Episcopal Mission/English, Antigua, Guatemala - IARCA You are invited to join us for English services on a special Vacation schedule during May- July 2015 offering Morning Prayer May 31 and June 14 at 10:00 A.M. (no service on June 7) in Antigua, Casa Convento Concepcion. Holy Eucharist will resume on June 21st and also will be celebrated on June 28 and July 5th at NOON. ALL are welcome. See welcome letter at the sidebar. St. Alban English Mission, Antigua, Guatemala is an outreach project of The St. James English parish, Cathedral of Santiago, Episcopal Diocese of Guatemala, IARCA 
Bishop Armando Guerra Soria, Rector of St. Alban Mission, Bishop of Guatemala and Primate emeritus of Central America

*Trinity Sunday is the first Sunday after Pentecost and is celebrated by many Christians in the Americas. It is one of the few feasts that are celebrated as a doctrine instead of an event. It is also symbolic of the unity of the Trinity

¨On Trinity Sunday many Christians in the United States remember and honor the belief of an eternal God, consisting of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Many churches have special prayers on Trinity Sunday. The Athanasian Creed, named after St Athanasius, Archbishop of Alexandria, is recited in some churches on Trinity Sunday because of its strong affirmation of the Triune nature of God.
Churches and choirs across the United States have planned special activities and events centered on Trinity Sunday.¨ more here:

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