The White House Does Not Know How To Respond To China's Aggressive Actions In the South China Sea

Before and after satellite images taken in August 2014 and January 2015 show the emergence of a large island at Fiery Cross Reef in the South China Sea’s Spratly Islands. China is building a number of artificial islands in the hotly disputed body of water. CNES 2014/Distribution Airbus DS/IHS

Josh Rogin, National Post/Bloomberg: Beijing is behaving badly in the Pacific. And the White House doesn’t seem to know what to do

Following a year of China’s flagrant and aggressive activities in contested waters, some in Washington are calling for U.S. President Barack Obama to cancel China’s invitation to the largest maritime military exercise in the world.

Some leaders in Congress and the military want to exclude China, warning about its military buildup in the East China Sea and the South China Sea, which includes a rapid plan to build military-friendly infrastructure on new islands in waters where at least six Asian nations have competing claims. Satellite photos released last month show that in the past year China has built what Admiral Harry Harris, commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, called a “Great Wall of Sand”: China has created new islands in the South China Sea and begun construction of helipads and anti-aircraft towers.

Update: Pentagon describes China activity in South China Sea as 'threatening' -- Economic Times

WNU Editor: The Chinese have a different point of view .... China Balks At Pentagon’s Report Warning Of Aggressive Behavior In South China Sea (Daily Caller).

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