Since moving to the mouse-house, I have made sure that there is no shortage of beds and baskets for the three resident (spoiled) cats. One is in the dining-room window (prime real-estate, apparently) and two are in the window over by the stairs. Obviously, one only is wanted by all three cats so I expect they see more birds from the dining-room window.
They seem to take turns in it as it is never empty.
There are a few spats but they have been working it out, of late.
Audrey wins enough times, not to worry.
I tried putting 2 baskets but it was a tight squeeze (like everything is here) and they ended up wanting the same one anyway. Cats...what can I say.
Sierra's favorite spot in her whole wide world is on the cat-tree in the garage.
As long as she's hanging around the retired-guy she's happy and believe me the garage is where you'll find him.
She gave me a 'cat-in-window' shot today. (remember those? :)
See that little nick in her ear. She had that when she arrived at our home at 6 months of age.
The Forsythia is all ablaze this week.
I just love it along the fence to the left of the feeders.
I planted more Pansies and Bidens and filled a pot with Rosemary.
Some of the feeders have been put away but I did leave up two to give them sun-flower seeds
and some berries.
I added a stone bird bath to keep them watered on the hot days ahead.
My little Red came by to say "Howdy" to his friend , Red, at Woke Up Got Out of Bed
"Hi Red. How's it shakin'?"
and indulge, of course.
He's having the time of his life here hanging on with two toes.
Hope you are enjoying these beauty days, too.
hugs, Deb