The barnets of those on the cobbles - Part 2

Having already blogged about the state of the barnets of those on the cobbles, it is now incumbent upon me, particularly after last night, to add a little more.

A few people commented on whose hair they liked in my previous post - Sally’s hair was praised as was Fiz’s hair and also Tyrone’s ex – the beautiful, but violent Kirsty.

Recently, I noticed that Carla’s hair is no longer black. It is, in fact, quite blond, at least the top layers are. When did that happen? I remember seeing Peter and Carla together and thinking how their hair complemented each other – dark and dangerous.

It was none other than Jenny Bradley to whom I awarded the top hair-do, in my first piece.  But now, after seeing Jenny, covering her crowning glory with a glossy black bobbed wig, I have to say that I think it rather suited her. However, that is not really the point. The point is that she has gone so far in her efforts to disguise herself, all for the purpose of taking off with little Jack Webster, her ‘son.’ Her city of choice is Hull and she, Jenny, is now calling herself Melanie, as we discovered from her phone call to order a taxi last night.

But really, does she honestly believe that Kevin and Sophie will not turn over every stone in their search for Jack.  She cannot believe she get away with it, can she? Maddie will surely dash out to alert Kevin and Sophie that there is Jenny, in his house, with a bag ready packed for Jack, and that Jenny is wearing a black wig. At least, Maddie will dash out if she is allowed to do so. And what will happen to the wig?

The last word goes to Liz, who at the wedding looked very glamorous with her up-do. Anyway, last night Liz let her hair down, both literally and metaphorically.

I even feel a third hair post coming on, but I’ll wait and let things settle before I do.

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