Slow Down in Sepia

OMG, it's been a busy couple of months. I survived the Blogging A to Z Challenge in April. Writing 26 posts on dog shows (in alphabetical order!) actually helped me refocus my efforts in the ring. It also wore me out. No time to rest on my laurels though, because we've been slammed. Last week K-9 Obedience Club had an awesome seminar on Barn Hunt competitions (come back next week for details and pictures!); Jedi I just got back from two days of showing in Georgia (update soon); and I've been asked to take over the presidency of the German Shepherd Dog Club of North Florida. I'm honored. And a bit petrified.

Things have been busy at work too. The warmer weather has tripled the number of people on my beach -- and too many of them disregard the leash laws. Springtime also brings barking complaints, additional dog bite reports, kitten season and wildlife issues. Oh, and fleas! Anybody else having problems with fleas?

So while I'm running around like crazy, Jedi is trying to tell me to slow down, take a deep breath and enjoy the weather before the humidity kicks in. Thanks Jedi!

I'm going to follow Jedi's lead and take some time to relax. That spot under the tree looks peaceful. I think I'll join him.
It's Sepia Saturday! Click around below and see what others are sharing today. Until next time. -- K

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