Saudi MOH: 4 More MERS Cases In Hafuf

# 10,119

For the past six weeks we've been following a slowly escalating cluster of MERS cases from the town of Hafuf (aka `Hafoof') in the Northeastern part of the country.

The index case was 61 year-old male who fell ill on April 16th, and reported a history of contact with camels. 

Since then (starting May 5th) we’ve seen a steady procession of additional cases, all described as `contacts of a previously suspected or confirmed case’, come out of Hafuf.   Some were described as household members, for others the relationship was not specified.

As of yesterday, that cluster stood at 14.  Today the MOH announced 4 more cases along with two recent deaths (plus 1 in Taif).  And as with all of the other cases, these all appear to be part of the same cluster.

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