Quarter Two Team Building Event

On Saturday we had our second quarter team building at a park in Brno. 

One of my goals for this years was to have a quarterly event for my team members in Czechland, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland

Piotr & Damir handling the firewood

Unfortunately we did have a bit of rain but not enough to spoil the day for everyone.

There was plenty of excellent food.  And alcohol.  Plus we had Láďa as the DJ so all was good.

Anytime you get a bunch of European chaps together in a park there is bound to be a bit of football (soccer).

Tomáš trying baseball for the 1st time

The best part for me was getting to play some baseball.  Of course the challenge here was having to explain the rules...over and over again.  But it was still great to hit a few balls.

Our first quarter event was in January.  Way to cold with the ice and snow but it was fun.  It would have been better in March but I wanted to set the expectation right from the beginning that I want something planned each quarter.

These first two gatherings have both been in Brno.  It's time to start mixing things up a bit.  The Polish team has committed to hosting an event.  And I'm sure that I can convince the Slovak team to put something fun together.  

So let's see if we end up in Wrocław or Bratislava for our third quarter bash.

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