(en) Palestine-Israel, As the split in the elite that part of
it is already suffering threaten the Prime minister Ntaniahu hold on
the media he gambled on election - and failed*
The election which was a respond to rebellion in the elite - threaten to restrict his
daily newspaper, resulted in a partial defeat. He is Dependant now on the support of the
center-right party and the orthodox parties,and now he try desperately to regain control.
The mounting pressure on Israel threat to take a fast escalation. It is already expressed
in the threat to expel Israel from FIFA and of intervention of the Hague court
involvement. The France initiative in the UN security council is approaching. The
escalation in transfer actions - both within Israel and the west bank is efforts to
recruit at least the support of orthodox parties and the extreme right. In spite of
harsher efforts to repress the Palestinian struggle - both in the occupied east Jerusalem
and the popular non armed struggle the struggle continue. The very optimistic activists
feel already the approaching victory.
Friday 8-5-15 Just another 25 minutes of the usual short demos in Friday Bil'in.
11 Israelis with the anarchists against the wall joined with about dozen internationals
the Bil'iners hard core activists in the weekly demo.
When we approached "to near" to the Israeli soldiers they started to shower us with tear
gas. When we "regrouped" to the north the armed forces advanced to an un easy short
distance and we "regrouped towards the outskirts of the village.
The soldiers were not satisfied with our position so a large unit approached us and
flooded us in a last barrage and soon went away.
Few of the comrades took an after demo tour of the freed areas behind the route of the old
dismantled separation fence including the vicinity of the new separation wall we are not
allowed to reach during the "official" demo.
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10205681070319011 ****
Friday 15-5-15
Me https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10206655336525225
Rani Abdel Fatahhttps://www.facebook.com/rani.fatah/posts/10206655346365471
Nabi Saleh
Friday 08/05/2015 Villagers, Israelis of the anarchist against the wall and international
solidarity activists marched in Nabi Saleh towards the building that was demolished by the
IDF 10 days ago, in order to protest home demolitions and assert their right over the
lands. The Israeli army responded with barrages of tear gas, rubber-coated steel bullets
as well as live ammunition. No major injuries reported.
Haim Schwarczenberg http://schwarczenberg.com/?p=4887
yisraelpnm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a23tfbbPKTY
David Reeb https://youtu.be/FLj0MOg1V-k
Friday 15-5-15 In the 67 Anniversary of al NKABA nakbaday
Dozens of participants suffered from tear gas inhalation in Nabi Saleh
Kufer Qaddom ..
Friday May 8, 2015https://www.facebook.com/AhmadTalatH/posts/10152762174636922
Today in kuffer Qaddoum
Friday 15-5-15 Today in Kufer Qaddom march 4 youths were injured with live bullets during
the Israeli army suppression of the peaceful march.
The march began after praying with participation of major general Rafe Rawajbe governor of
Qalqilia ,the Arab Knesset member Ayman Odeh,and leaders from Fateh movement .
This march organized on the occasion of Nakba but the Israeli army suppress the protestors
using live and robber bullets,skunk water , tear gas canisters and sound bombs.
He is only a kid, check how Israeli Soldiers ask him to approach then they attack him with
Skunked water
8-5-15 Friday weekly march. In the 67 anniversary of nakba the people of alma'sara marched
towards their land that is an mixed by the wall and the settlement
The Israeli occupation forces forced the people to stop and prevent them from reaching
their land
The Israeli force tried to arrest mo hammed zwahre one of the media volunteers while he
was taking pictures of the demo
Moreover they attacked Mahmoud zwahre the coordinator of the committee
Recently we noticed the racism from the drouz commanders against the Palestinians .
Friday village protest 08.05.2015, it rained tear gas grenades today, Israeli soldiers
fired hundreds of tear gas grenades randomly which caused fire and burning to 5 Dunnums
field and 6 olive trees, as well as 2 injured with rubber coated steel bullets as a result
of getting shot by 3 soldiers who were hiding and preparing for trap for us, dozens other
suffer from tear gas suffocation.
Friday 15-5-15 Nacba 67 commemoration day. More than a thousand two hundred participated
Commemorating 67 years to the mass expulsion of the Palestinians in 1948, activists staged
a protest in the West Bank village of Ni’lin, close to the separation wall. Protesters
called for the return of the refugees and an end to Israeli occupation and injustices. The
IDF responded with barrages of tear gas and rubber-coated steel bullets. No major injuries
yisraelpnm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZQb2H0godc
David Reeb https://youtu.be/YT5PDB1V1hk
Tel Aviv
Thursday 14-5-15, About 30 activists half of them anarchists, gathered in a vigil in front
of the military war compound in center of the city in solidarity with the three jailed
refusnics - defying of the law of mandatory service in the army of 18 years old youth.
Don't say we did not know 449
IDF goes on with the pressure on Palestinians in north Jordan Valley to leave their homes
and lands and to move to area A in the routine excuse - training and exercises.
six villages Humsa Fouqa, Khirbet Ibziq, al Borj, al Meeta, al Maleh areas and Ras ar
Ahmar, were evacuated during day light time, between Sunday & Thursday, May 3-7.
In similar occasions, of exercises on April 28th, more than 3000 dunams (About 750 acres)
of crops were burnt out due to the explosions of weaponry. The size of burnt crops this
time is unknown,. The IDF even didn't bothered to extinguish the fires.
Don’t say we didn’t know 450
On Tuesday, 12th May, 2015, government representatives escorted by police came to the
Negev Bedouin village Wadi El Na’am (near Ramat Hovav) and demolished a mosque.
In the Bedouin village El Ghara (west of Nevatim Air Force base) they demolished a home.
Eight people were left without a roof over their heads.
For further information: amosg@shefayim.org.il:
* From my blog at: http://ilanisagainstwalls.blogspot.com
See at the blog previous reports about the joint struggles the Anarchists Against the Wall
take part in.
See also: Stories from the year 2100 - 50 years after the revolution
http://awalls.org http://ilan.shalif.com/anarchy/glimpses/glimpses.html
Ahdut (Unity) blog: http://unityispa.wordpress.com/
Ahdut (Unity) Position paper about the Palestinian struggle
English - http://www.anarkismo.net/article/27019
Arabic - http://www.ahewar.org/debat/show.art.asp?aid=430180