Northrop Grumman concept for Long Range Strike Bomber, aka the B-3.
Robbin Laird, Breaking Defense: What The B-3 Bomber Should Be
The bomber has a long and distinguished history in the Air Force and its predecessor, the Army Air Corps. When the B-17 Flying Fortress was born, it was a controversial aircraft, but proved its worth when Nazi Germany controlled a continent and only the B-17 fleet could deliver strikes inside Nazi-controlled territory, thanks to the bomber’s range and payload.
But the road to the B-17 was not smooth. Before the war, fighter pilots and bomber advocates argued who was best and the bombers won, at great cost. B-17s flew unescorted into Nazi territory and their crews died in great numbers until long-range fighters were deployed. Since then, bombers and fighters have fought as interactive capabilities.
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- May 13, 2015
Russian engineers to make combat vehicles invisible to enemy thermal scopes -- ITAR-TASS
Re-commissioned? Soviet nuke-capable sub-killing copter comeback slated -- RT
First phase of Russian-Chinese naval drills over— Black Sea Fleet command -- ITAR-TASS
Russian, Chinese Warships to Enter Mediterranean on Thursday for Drills -- Sputnik
North Korea Didn’t Launch Submarine Missile, U.S. Officials Say -- Bloomberg
Military: SKorean soldier kills 2, shoots 2 other reservists -- AP
NATO to Allot $60Mln to Afghan Security Forces, Stay After 2016 -- Sputnik
RAF Typhoons scrambled to intercept Russian spy plane in latest high tension flashpoint -- Daily Mail
UK Spy Agency Recruits Hackers to Increase Mass Surveillance -- Sputnik
Turkey Ready to Form NATO Rapid Response Force in 2021 -- Sputnik
Airbus Holds First A400M Test Flight Since Crash -- Defense News/AFP
US Marine helicopter declared missing in Nepal -- BBC
US Army Plans Show-of-Force Exercise in Romania -- Defense News
US mulls sending military ships, aircraft near South China Sea disputed islands – report -- RT
U.S. Military Proposes Challenge to China Sea Claims -- WSJ
White House Says F-35s Not For Sale to Gulf Arab States -- DoD Buzz
Next-Generation Harpoon Missile Offered to Navy -- DoD Buzz
Special Operations: SOCOM Copes With Growth -- Strategy Page
Obama supports Patriot Act changes to nix NSA phone-snooping program -- Washington Times
Many of the NSA’s Loudest Defenders Have Financial Ties to NSA Contractors -- The Intercept
Infantry: Testing Another Generation Of Combat Droids -- Strategy Page
Ripsaw UGV Can Reload Itself in a Fight -- Defense Tech
Senate Subpanel OKs Funds for Reaper Drones -- Defense News
Northrop to receive $4bn worth of Global Hawk work through 2020 -- Flight Global
Military Stalls on Efforts to Repair Drone Troubles Depicted in ‘Good Kill’ -- US News and World Report
White House threatens veto on defense bill -- Washington Times
Pelosi to whip Dems against $612B defense policy bill -- The Hill
White House threatens 'alternative options' to close military bases -- The Hill
Benghazi prompts CIA to look at expanding survivor benefits -- FOX News/AP
Overkill on a C.I.A. Leak Case -- New York Times editorial