Friday Memes: Dark Debt by Chloe Neill

Happy Friday everybody!
Book Beginnings on Friday is now hosted by Rose City Reader. The Friday 56 is hosted at Freda's Voice. Check out the links above for the rules and for the posts of the participants each week. Don’t dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST.

This week I am spotlighting Dark Debt by Chloe Neill. This is the most recent book in her Chicagoland Vampires series. I have been following along since the beginning and am always eager for each new book. Here is the description from Amazon:
A vampire never gets old. But neither do his enemies. When a figure from Ethan's dark past makes a splashy debut in Chicago, Merit and her Master don't know whether he's friend or foe. But they'll have to figure out soon, because trouble is brewing in the Windy City.

At an exclusive society soiree attended by the upper echelons of the human and supernatural worlds, Merit and Ethan barely stop the assassination of a guest. When the target turns out to be a shady businessman with a criminal edge, Merit suspects a human vendetta. But the assassins have fangs....

The connections to Chicago's Houses go deeper than Merit knows, and even one wrong move could be her last....
There were two seasons in Chicago: winter and construction. If it wasn't snowing, orange cones narrowed the Dan Ryan, or lower Wacker was closed. Snow and traffic defined our lives as Chicagoans.
Friday 56:
"For any direct trouble he might cause," Ethan agreed. He lowered his hands, linking his fingers across his abdomen. "But if he tries to re-create his little European kingdom here? If he treats humans in Chicago like he treated Persephone and the others?" He leaned forward, a line of worry between his eyes. "Consider, Merit, the storm that would rain down upon us, upon vampires."

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