France, Coordination des Groupes Anarchistes CGA-Lyon - The
struggle of the workers is international! (fr) [machine
The origins of the May 1, international solidarity ---- The international day of workers'
has its origins in May 1886 at Chicago. Indeed, it is May 1, 1886 that declares in the
factories of the region a general strike for the eight hour day. On May 4, following an
event that brought together thousands of workers, 200 police charged the crowd. Following
the riot, a terrible punishment will befall the labor movement: eight trade unionists, all
anarchists are arrested. In reality, these men are, by the admission of the prosecutor,
innocent. They will be sentenced to death or to life in prison. A vast network of
solidarity is being established around the world, at the initiative of the organizations
of the labor movement. This is both to honor the militants murdered by the state and
continue to claim the eight-hour day that gradually the workers' organizations decide to
manifest every May 1
For an internationalist May 1
Today, as the labor movement is struggling around the world, with a capitalism
increasingly fierce and reactionary forces increasingly offensive, it seems more than
necessary to reconnect with the roots of our internationalists movement. It is this
solidarity by finding that once animated the workers of all countries that we can hope to
reverse the balance of power against those who oppress us. It is this necessary unity in
the struggle that should push us to reject and combat all forms of oppression that affect
us: racism, xenophobia, sexism and oppression LGBTphobies are all designed to divide us.
Facing them, it is urgent to build a massive popular response! "Workers of all countries,
Against borders, find paths of solidarity
The Anarchist Groups Coordination recalls that borders are a political construct designed
to divide the honest worked · · · s eur on a national basis. To break down these deadly
borders, we must break with the capitalist and neocolonial logic highlighting the
international solidarity of honest worked · · · s eur, of exploited · e · s · e ·
dominated the s. The drama of shipwrecks in the Mediterranean recalls the urgency of the
struggle for regularization tou · te · s undocumented and freedom of movement and settlement.
Continuing the offensive!
While the state and the bosses have launched a massive campaign to destroy our rights one
by one, by the TAFTA, the Macron Law or the Law on Internet security, it is urgent to
resume the offensive. In this day of May 1, let us listen to reaffirm our fight for better
living conditions. Reaffirm that can work better and less, and that we are the workers who
make the world go round and not the bourgeoisie.
Building a society based on economic and social equality, common property and non-state
means of production and distribution, and their direct management by the federal workers.
For the Libertarian Communism,
International solidarity of workers!