Ata që lanë gjurmë në shkencë dhe atdhetarizëm:Musa Haxhiu(1939-2007)

Lindi më 15 mars 1939 në Pejë. Shkollën fillore dhe gjimnazin i mbaroi në vendlindje. Në vitin 1958/59 regjistroi Fakultetin e Mjekësisë, ndërsa diplomoi në vitin 1963, në Beograd. Specializimin nga fusha e sëmundjeve të mushkërive e kreu në Beograd, në vitin 1968. Në studimet pasuniversitare për kardiologji u regjistrua në vitin 1968/69, po ashtu në Beograd. Në vitin 1971 kreu magjistraturën nga kardiologjia. Më 1973, në Zagreb mbrojti disertacionin dhe u promovua doktor i shkencave mjekësore.

Interesimi kryesor shkencor i tij është kontrolli neutral i respiracionit dhe i rrugëve ajrore në kushtet normale dhe gjatë sëmundjes. Ishte profesor i Fakultetit të Mjekësisë në Prishtinë dhe ligjëroi lëndët: anatomia, pediatria, fiziologjia dhe biofizika. Në vitet 1973-1975 ishte dekan i Fakultetit të Mjekësisë, ndërsa në vitet 1978-79 ishte kryetar i Lidhjes së Shoqatave të Fiziologëve të Jugosllavisë dhe anëtar i shumë asociacioneve profesionale-shkencore në vend dhe jashtë. Në vitet 1990-92 ishte kryetar i Akademisë së Shkencave dhe të Arteve të Kosovës. Ka ushtruar edhe detyra të tjera me përgjegjësi në ente dhe institucione të ndryshme shëndetësore të Kosovës.


Moore CT, Wilson, CCG, Mayer CA, Acquah SS, Massari VJ, Haxhiu MA. A GABAergic inhibitory microcircuit controlling cholinergic outflow to the airways. J Appl Physiol, 2003 (in press).

Zhang L, Wilson CG, Liu S, Haxhiu MA, Martin RJ. Hypercapnia-induced activation of brainstem GABAergic neurons during early development. Respir Physiol Neurobiol 136: 25-37, 2003.

Haxhiu MA, Mack SO, Wilson CG, Feng P, Strohl KP. Sleep networks and the anatomic and physiologic connections with respiratory control. Front Biosci 8: d946-962, 2003.

Miller MJ, Haxhiu MA, Georgiadis P, Gudz TI, Kangas CD, Macklin WB. Proteolipid protein gene mutation induces altered ventilatory response to hypoxia in the myelin-deficient rat. J Neurosci 23: 2265-2273, 2003.

Dreshaj IA, Haxhiu MA, Martin RJ, Young JK. The basomedial hypothalamus modulates the ventilatory response to hypoxia in neonatal rats. Pediatr Res 53: 945-949, 2003.

Martin RJ, Mhanna MJ, Haxhiu MA. The role of endogenous and exogenous nitric oxide on airway function. Semin Perinatol 26: 432-438, 2002.

Haxhiu MA, Kc P, Neziri B, Yamamoto BK, Ferguson DG, Massari VJ. Catecholaminergic microcircuitry controlling the output of airway-related vagal preganglionic neurons. J Appl Physiol 94: 1999-2009, 2003.

Kc P, Haxhiu MA, Tolentino-Silva FP, Wu M, Trouth CO, Mack SO. Paraventricular vasopressin-containing neurons project to brain stem and spinal cord respiratory-related sites. Respir Physiol Neurobiol 133: 75-88, 2002.

Abu-Shaweesh JM, Dreshaj IA, Martin RJ, Wirth KJ, Heinelt U, Haxhiu MA. Inhibition of Na(+)/H(+) exchanger type 3 reduces duration of apnea induced by laryngeal stimulation in piglets. Pediatr Res 52: 459-464, 2002.

Khassawneh MY, Dreshaj IA, Liu S, Chang CH, Haxhiu MA, Martin RJ. Endogenous nitric oxide modulates responses of tissue and airway resistance to vagal stimulation in piglets. J Appl Physiol 93: 450-456, 2002.

Haxhiu MA, Yamamoto BK, Dreshaj IA, Ferguson DG. Activation of the midbrain periaqueductal gray induces airway smooth muscle relaxation. J Appl Physiol 93: 440-449, 2002.

Pete G, Mack SO, Haxhiu MA, Walbaum S, Gauda EB. CO(2)-induced c-Fos expression in brainstem preprotachykinin mRNA containing neurons. Respir Physiol Neurobiol 130: 265-274, 2002.

Kiatchoosakun P, Dreshaj IA, Abu-Shaweesh JM, Haxhiu MA, Martin RJ. Effects of hypoxia on respiratory neural output and lower esophageal sphincter pressure in piglets. Pediatr Res 52: 50-55, 2002.

Massari VJ, Haxhiu MA. Substance P afferent terminals innervate vagal preganglionic neurons projecting to the trachea of the ferret. Auton Neurosci 96: 103-112, 2002.

Tankersley CG, Haxhiu MA, Gauda EB. Differential CO(2)-induced c-fos gene expression in the nucleus tractus solitarii of inbred mouse strains. J Appl Physiol 92: 1277-1284, 2002.

Mack SO, Kc P, Wu M, Coleman BR, Tolentino-Silva FP, Haxhiu MA. Paraventricular oxytocin neurons are involved in neural modulation of breathing. J Appl Physiol 92: 826-834, 2002.

Kc P, Haxhiu MA, Trouth CO, Balan KV, Anderson WA, Mack SO. CO(2)-induced c-Fos expression in hypothalamic vasopressin containing neurons. Respir Physiol 129: 289-296, 2002.

Haxhiu MA, Tolentino-Silva F, Pete G, Kc P, Mack SO. Monoaminergic neurons, chemosensation and arousal. Respir Physiol 129: 191-209, 2001.

Haxhiu MA, Mack SO, Martin RJ, Ferguson DG, Longobardo G, Cherniac NS. Behavioral state control and airway instability. Adv Exp Med Biol 499: 445-450, 2001.

Abu-Soud HM, Khassawneh MY, Sohn JT, Murray P, Haxhiu MA, Hazen SL. Peroxidases inhibit nitric oxide (NO) dependent bronchodilation: development of a model describing NO-peroxidase interactions. Biochemistry 40: 11866-11875, 2001.

Mhanna MJ, Ferkol T, Martin RJ, Dreshaj IA, van Heeckeren AM, Kelley TJ, Haxhiu MA. Nitric oxide deficiency contributes to impairment of airway relaxation in cystic fibrosis mice. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 24: 621-626, 2001.

Waldbaum S, Hadziefendic S, Erokwu B, Zaidi SI, Haxhiu MA. CNS innervation of posterior cricoarytenoid muscles: a transneuronal labeling study. Respir Physiol 126: 113-125, 2001.

Dreshaj IA, Haxhiu MA, Miller MJ, Abu-Shaweesh J, Martin RJ. Differential effects of hypercapnia on expiratory phases of respiration in the piglet. Respir Physiol 126: 43-51, 2001.

Abu-Shaweesh JM, Dreshaj IA, Haxhiu MA, Martin RJ. Central GABAergic mechanisms are involved in apnea induced by SLN stimulation in piglets. J Appl Physiol 90: 1570-1576, 2001.

Mehlotra RK, Hall LR, Haxhiu MA, Pearlman E. Reciprocal immunomodulatory effects of gamma interferon and interleukin-4 on filaria-induced airway hyperresponsiveness. Infect Immun 69: 1463-1468, 2001.

Haxhiu MA, Chavez JC, Pichiule P, Erokwu B, Dreshaj IA. The excitatory amino acid glutamate mediates reflexly increased tracheal blood flow and airway submucosal gland secretion. Brain Res 883: 77-86, 2000.

Miller MJ, Haxhiu MA, Haxhiu-Poskurica B, Dreshaj IA, DiFiore JM, Martin RJ. Recurrent hypoxic exposure and reflex responses during development in the piglet. Respir Physiol 123: 51-61, 2000.

Iben SC, Dreshaj IA, Farver CF, Haxhiu MA, Martin RJ. Role of endogenous nitric oxide in hyperoxia-induced airway hyperreactivity in maturing rats. J Appl Physiol 89: 1205-1212, 2000.

Tolentino-Silva FP, Haxhiu MA, Ernsberger P, Waldbaum S, Dreshaj IA. Differential cardiorespiratory control elicited by activation of ventral medullary sites in mice. J Appl Physiol 89: 437-444, 2000.

Sahin M, Durand DM, Haxhiu MA. Closed-loop stimulation of hypoglossal nerve in a dog model of upper airway obstruction. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 47: 919-925, 2000.

Ferguson DG, Haxhiu MA, To AJ, Erokwu B, Dreshaj IA. The alpha3 subtype of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor is expressed in airway-related neurons of the nucleus tractus solitarius, but is not essential for reflex bronchoconstriction in ferrets. Neurosci Lett 287: 141-145, 2000.

Tolentino-Silva FP, Haxhiu MA, Waldbaum S, Dreshaj IA, Ernsberger P. alpha(2)-adrenergic receptors are not required for central anti-hypertensive action of moxonidine in mice. Brain Res 862: 26-35, 2000.

Haxhiu MA, Yamamoto B, Dreshaj IA, Bedol D, Ferguson DG. Involvement of glutamate in transmission of afferent constrictive inputs from the airways to the nucleus tractus solitarius in ferrets. J Auton Nerv Syst 80: 22-30, 2000.

van Heeckeren AM, Tscheikuna J, Walenga RW, Konstan MW, Davis PB, Erokwu B, Haxhiu MA, Ferkol TW. Effect of Pseudomonas infection on weight loss, lung mechanics, and cytokines in mice. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 161: 271-279, 2000.

Yohannan MD, Marti RJ, Dreshaj I, Haxhiu MA, Ernsberger P. Ontogeny of neurokinin-1 receptors in the porcine respiratory system. Peptides 20: 1353-1360, 1999.

Sahin M, Durand DM, Haxhiu MA. Chronic recordings of hypoglossal nerve activity in a dog model of upper airway obstruction. J Appl Physiol 87: 2197-2206, 1999.

das Neves L, Duchala CS, Tolentino-Silva F, Haxhiu MA, Colmenares C, Macklin WB, Campbell CE, Butz KG, Gronostajski RM, Godinho F. Disruption of the murine nuclear factor I-A gene (Nfia) results in perinatal lethality, hydrocephalus, and agenesis of the corpus callosum. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 96: 11946-11951, 1999.

Belegu R, Hadziefendic S, Dreshaj IA, Haxhiu MA, Martin RJ. CO2-induced c-fos expression in medullary neurons during early development. Respir Physiol 117: 13-28, 1999.

Dreshaj IA, Haxhiu MA, Abu-Shaweesh J, Carey RE, Martin RJ. CO2-induced prolongation of expiratory time during early d0evelopment. Respir Physiol 116: 125-132, 1999.

Grill WM, Erokwu BO, Hadziefendic S, Haxhiu MA. Extended survival time following pseudorabies virus injection labels the suprapontine neural network controlling the bladder and urethra in the rat. Neurosci Lett 270: 63-66, 1999.

Abu-Shaweesh JM, Dreshaj IA, Thomas AJ, Haxhiu MA, Strohl KP, Martin RJ. Changes in respiratory timing induced by hypercapnia in maturing rats. J Appl Physiol 87: 484-490, 1999.

Haxhiu MA, Dreshaj IA, McFadden CB, Erokwu BO, Ernsberger P. Moxonidine acting centrally inhibits airway reflex responses. Ann N Y Acad Sci 881: 372-382, 1999.

Hadziefendic S, Haxhiu MA. CNS innervation of vagal preganglionic neurons controlling peripheral airways: a transneuronal labeling study using pseudorabies virus. J Auton Nerv Syst 76: 135-145, 1999.

Patil MM, Durand DM, LaManna JC, Whittingham TS, Haxhiu MA. Effects of oxygen deprivation on parapyramidal neurons of the ventrolateral medulla in the rat. Respir Physiol 115: 11-22, 1999.

Potter CF, Kuo NT, Farver CF, McMahon JT, Chang CH, Agani FH, Haxhiu MA and Martin RJ. Effects of hyperoxia on nitric oxide synthase expression, nitric oxide activity, and lung injury in rat pups. Pediatr Res 45: 8-13, 1999.

Haxhiu MA, Erokwu B, Dreshaj IA. Selective hypoxic loading of the ventrolateral medulla inhibits cholinergic outflow to the airways. Adv Exp Med Biol 454: 467-473, 1998.

Chavez JC, Pichiule P, Haxhiu MA, LaManna JC. Local injection of NaCN into the nucleus locus ceruleus of the rat brain induces respiratory depression. Adv Exp Med Biol 454: 461-465, 1998.

Mhanna MJ, Dreshaj IA, Haxhiu MA, Martin RJ. Mechanism for substance P-induced relaxation of precontracted airway smooth muscle during development. Am J Physiol 276: L51-56, 1999.

Mehlotra RK, Hall LR, Higgins AW, Dreshaj IA, Haxhiu MA, Kazura JW, Pearlman E. Interleukin-12 suppresses filaria-induced pulmonary eosinophilia, deposition of major basic protein and airway hyperresponsiveness. Parasite Immunol 20: 455-462, 1998.

Haxhiu MA, Dreshaj IA, McFadden CB, Erokwu BO, Ernsberger P. I1-imidazoline receptors and cholinergic outflow to the airways. J Auton Nerv Syst 71: 167-174, 1998.

Hall LR, Mehlotra RK, Higgins AW, Haxhiu MA, Pearlman E. An essential role for interleukin-5 and eosinophils in helminth-induced airway hyperresponsiveness. Infect Immun 66: 4425-4430, 1998.

Grill WM, Wang B, Hadziefendic S, Haxhiu MA. Identification of the spinal neural network involved in coordination of micturition in the male cat. Brain Res 796: 150-160, 1998.

Haxhiu MA, Erokwu B, Bhardwaj V, Dreshaj IA. The role of the medullary raphe nuclei in regulation of cholinergic outflow to the airways. J Auton Nerv Syst 69: 64-71, 1998.

Kuo NT, Agani FH, Haxhiu MA, Chang CH. A possible role for protein kinase C in CO2/H+-induced c-fos mRNA expression in PC12 cells. Respir Physiol 111: 127-135, 1998.

Dreshaj IA, Haxhiu MA, Martin RJ. Role of the medullary raphe nuclei in the respiratory response to CO2. Respir Physiol 111: 15-23, 1998.

Haxhiu MA, Erokwu B, Dreshaj IA. The role of excitatory amino acids in airway reflex responses in anesthetized dogs. J Auton Nerv Syst 67: 192-199, 1997.

Ernsberger P, Haxhiu MA. The I1-imidazoline-binding site is a functional receptor mediating vasodepression via the ventral medulla. Am J Physiol 273: R1572-1579, 1997.

Lyubkin M, Durand DM, Haxhiu MA. Interaction between tetanus long-term potentiation and hypoxia-induced potentiation in the rat hippocampus. J Neurophysiol 78: 2475-2482, 1997.

Jakupaj M, Martin RJ, Dreshaj IA, Potter CF, Haxhiu MA, Ernsberger P. Role of endogenous NO in modulating airway contraction mediated by muscarinic receptors during development. Am J Physiol 273: L531-536, 1997.

Yeh ER, Erokwu B, LaManna JC, Haxhiu MA. The paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus influences respiratory timing and activity in the rat. Neurosci Lett 232: 63-66, 1997.

Agani FH, Kuo NT, Chang CH, Dreshaj IA, Farver CF, Krause JE, Ernsberger P, Haxhiu MA, Martin RJ. Effect of hyperoxia on substance P expression and airway reactivity in the developing lung. Am J Physiol 273: L40-45, 1997.

Sahin M, Haxhiu MA, Durand DM, Dreshaj IA. Spiral nerve cuff electrode for recordings of respiratory output. J Appl Physiol 83: 317-322, 1997.

Potter CF, Dreshaj IA, Haxhiu MA, Stork EK, Chatburn RL, Martin RJ. Effect of exogenous and endogenous nitric oxide on the airway and tissue components of lung resistance in the newborn piglet. Pediatr Res 41: 886-891, 1997.

Separovic D, Kester M, Haxhiu MA, Ernsberger P. Activation of phosphatidylcholine-selective phospholipase C by I1-imidazoline receptors in PC12 cells and rostral ventrolateral medulla. Brain Res 749: 335-339, 1997.

LaManna JC, Haxhiu MA, Kutina-Nelson KL, Pundik S, Erokwu B, Cherniack NS. Regional differences in metabolism and intracellular pH in response to moderate hypoxia. Adv Exp Med Biol 411: 23-31, 1997.

Haxhiu MA, Erokwu BO, Cherniack NS. The brainstem network involved in coordination of inspiratory activity and cholinergic outflow to the airways. J Auton Nerv Syst 61: 155-161, 1996.

Dreshaj IA, Haxhiu MA, Potter CF, Agani FH, Martin RJ. Maturational changes in responses of tissue and airway resistance to histamine. J Appl Physiol 81: 1785-1791, 1996.

LaManna JC, Haxhiu MA, Kutina-Nelson KL, Pundik S, Erokwu B, Yeh ER, Lust WD, Cherniack NS. Decreased energy metabolism in brain stem during central respiratory depression in response to hypoxia. J Appl Physiol 81: 1772-1777, 1996.

Haxhiu MA, Yung K, Erokwu B, Cherniack NS. CO2-induced c-fos expression in the CNS catecholaminergic neurons. Respir Physiol 105: 35-45, 1996.

Hsu SH, Strohl KP, Haxhiu MA, Jamieson AM. Role of viscoelasticity in the tube model of airway reopening. II. Non-Newtonian gels and airway simulation. J Appl Physiol 80: 1649-1659, 1996.

Haxhiu MA, Loewy AD. Central connections of the motor and sensory vagal systems innervating the trachea. J Auton Nerv Syst 57: 49-56, 1996.

Ziegler D, Haxhiu MA, Kaan EC, Papp JG, Ernsberger P. Pharmacology of moxonidine, an I1-imidazoline receptor agonist. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 27 Suppl 3: S26-37, 1996.

Haxhiu MA, Strohl KP, Cherniack NS. The N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor pathway is involved in hypoxia-induced c-Fos protein expression in the rat nucleus of the solitary tract. J Auton Nerv Syst 55: 65-68, 1995.

Haxhiu MA, Chang CH, Dreshaj IA, Erokwu B, Prabhakar NR, Cherniack NS. Nitric oxide and ventilatory response to hypoxia. Respir Physiol 101: 257-266, 1995.

Martin RJ, Dreshaj IA, Miller MJ, Haxhiu MA. Neurochemical control of tissue resistance in piglets. J Appl Physiol 79: 812-817, 1995.

Cattarossi L, Haxhiu-Poskurica B, Haxhiu MA, Litmanovitz I, Martin RJ and Carlo WA. Carotid bodies and ventilatory response to hypoxia in aminophylline-treated piglets. Pediatr Pulmonol 20: 94-100, 1995.

Dreshaj IA, Miller MJ, Ernsberger P, Haxhiu-Poskurica B, Martin RJ, Haxhiu MA. Central effects of endothelin on respiratory output during development. J Appl Physiol 79: 420-427, 1995.

Haxhiu MA, Dreshaj IA, Erokwu B, Collins LA, Ernsberger P. Effect of I1-imidazoline receptor activation on responses of hypoglossal and phrenic nerve to chemical stimulation. Ann N Y Acad Sci 763: 445-462, 1995.

Hejal R, Strohl KP, Erokwu B, Cherniack NS, Haxhiu MA. Effect of hypoxia on reflex responses of tracheal submucosal glands. J Appl Physiol 78: 1651-1656, 1995.

Cherniack NS, Prabhakar N, Haxhiu M. Possible genomic mechanism involved in control systems responses to hypoxia. Adv Exp Med Biol 393: 89-94, 1995.

Dreshaj IA, Martin RJ, Miller MJ, Haxhiu MA. Responses of lung parenchyma and airways to tachykinin peptides in piglets. J Appl Physiol 77: 147-151, 1994.

Martin RJ, Dreshaj IA, Miller MJ, Haxhiu MA. Hypoglossal and phrenic responses to central respiratory inhibition in piglets. Respir Physiol 97: 93-103, 1994.

Ernsberger P, Haxhiu MA, Graff LM, Collins LA, Dreshaj I, Grove DL, Graves ME, Schafer SG, Christen MO. A novel mechanism of action for hypertension control: moxonidine as a selective I1-imidazoline agonist. Cardiovasc Drugs Ther 8 Suppl 1: 27-41, 1994.

Loewy AD, Franklin MF, Haxhiu MA. CNS monoamine cell groups projecting to pancreatic vagal motor neurons: a transneuronal labeling study using pseudorabies virus. Brain Res 638: 248-260, 1994.

Litmanovitz I, Dreshaj I, Miller MJ, Haxhiu MA, Martin RJ. Central chemosensitivity affects respiratory muscle responses to laryngeal stimulation in the piglet. J Appl Physiol 76: 403-408, 1994.

Haxhiu MA, Dreshaj I, Schafer SG, Ernsberger P. Selective antihypertensive action of moxonidine is mediated mainly by I1-imidazoline receptors in the rostral ventrolateral medulla. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 24 Suppl 1: S1-8, 1994.

Hejal R, Strohl KP, Erokwu B, Cherniack NS, Haxhiu MA. Pathways and mechanisms involved in neural control of laryngeal submucosal gland secretion. J Appl Physiol 75: 2347-2352, 1993.

Haxhiu MA, Deal EC, Van Lunteren E, Cherniack NS. Central effects of somatostatin and atrial natriuretic peptide on tracheal tone. J Appl Physiol 75: 2353-2359, 1993.

Prabhakar NR, Kumar GK, Chang CH, Agani FH, Haxhiu MA. Nitric oxide in the sensory function of the carotid body. Brain Res 625: 16-22, 1993.

Loewy AD, Haxhiu MA. CNS cell groups projecting to pancreatic parasympathetic preganglionic neurons. Brain Res 620: 323-330, 1993.

Haxhiu MA, Jansen AS, Cherniack NS, Loewy AD. CNS innervation of airway-related parasympathetic preganglionic neurons: a transneuronal labeling study using pseudorabies virus. Brain Res 618: 115-134, 1993.

Litmanovitz I, Martin RJ, Haxhiu MA, Cattarossi L, Haxhiu-Poskurica B, Carlo WA. Regulation of expiratory muscles during postnatal development in anesthetized piglets. J Appl Physiol 74: 2655-2660, 1993.

Haxhiu-Poskurica B, Ernsberger P, Haxhiu MA, Miller MJ, Cattarossi L, Martin RJ. Development of cholinergic innervation and muscarinic receptor subtypes in piglet trachea. Am J Physiol 264: L606-614, 1993.

Cattarossi L, Haxhiu-Poskurica B, Haxhiu MA, Carlo WA. Response of upper airway and chest wall muscles to selective brain stem hypoxia in the newborn. J Appl Physiol 74: 2443-2449, 1993.

Haxhiu MA, Erokwu B, van Lunteren E, Cherniack NS, Strohl KP. Central and spinal effects of sodium cyanide on respiratory activity. J Appl Physiol 74: 574-579, 1993.

Oliven A, Haxhiu M, Kelsen SG. Expiratory muscle activity during pulmonary edema in the anesthetized dog. J Appl Physiol 73: 2062-2068, 1992.

Dick TE, Haxhiu MA, Cherniack NS. Salivary secretion elicited by activation of the parabrachial nuclei in the cat. J Auton Nerv Syst 39: 19-27, 1992.

Haxhiu-Poskurica B, Haxhiu MA, Kumar GK, Miller MJ, Martin RJ. Tracheal smooth muscle responses to substance P and neurokinin A in the piglet. J Appl Physiol 72: 1090-1095, 1992.

Haxhiu MA, Cherniack NS, Mitra J, van Lunteren E, Strohl KP. Nonvagal modulation of hypoglossal neural activity. Respiration 59: 65-71, 1992.

Haxhiu MA, van Lunteren E, Cherniack NS. Central effects of tachykinin peptide on tracheal secretion. Respir Physiol 86: 405-414, 1991.

van Lunteren E, Arnold JS, Haxhiu MA. Abdominal muscle length during respiratory defensive reflexes. Respir Physiol 86: 199-213, 1991.

Haxhiu MA, Van Lunteren E, Cherniack NS. Influence of ventrolateral surface of medulla on tracheal gland secretion. J Appl Physiol 71: 1663-1668, 1991.

Haxhiu MA, Cherniack NS, Strohl KP. Reflex responses of laryngeal and pharyngeal submucosal glands in dogs. J Appl Physiol 71: 1669-1673, 1991.

Begraca M, Ukmata H, Morris SC, Canhasi B, Haxhiu MA. Study of early appearance of skin lesions in coal gasification workers. Arh Hig Rada Toksikol 42: 287-294, 1991.

Katayama M, Nadel JA, Bunnett NW, Di Maria GU, Haxhiu M, Borson DB. Catabolism of cal­ci­tonin gene-related peptide and substance P by neutral endopeptidase. Peptides 12: 563-567, 1991.

Haxhiu-Poskurica B, Carlo WA, Miller MJ, DiFiore JM, Haxhiu MA, Martin RJ. Maturation of respiratory reflex responses in the piglet. J Appl Physiol 70: 608-616, 1991.

Miric M, Haxhiu MA. [Effect of vitamin C on exercise-induced bronchoconstriction]. Plucne Bolesti 43: 94-97, 1991.

Jakupi M, Dreshaj IA, Mandura I, Haxhiu MA. [Effect of ethanol on tone of isolated smooth muscle of the the pulmonary artery]. Plucne Bolesti 43: 16-20, 1991.

Haxhiu MA, Haxhiu-Poskurica B, Moracic V, Carlo WA, Martin RJ. Reflex and chemical responses of tracheal submucosal glands in piglets. Respir Physiol 82: 267-277, 1990.

Haxhiu MA, Cherniack NS, van Lunteren E. Central action of tachykinins on activity of expiratory pumping muscles. J Appl Physiol 69: 1981-1986, 1990.

Oliven A, Haxhiu MA, Kelsen SG. Distribution of motor activity to expiratory muscles during sciatic nerve stimulation in the dog. Respir Physiol 81: 165-175, 1990.

Mandura I, Jakupi M, Hasbahta V, Dreshaj IA, Haxhiu MA. [Normal values of the diffusing capacity of the lungs in adults]. Plucne Bolesti 42: 178-182, 1990.

Martin RJ, van Lunteren E, Haxhiu MA, Carlo WA. Upper airway muscle and diaphragm responses to hypoxia in the piglet. J Appl Physiol 68: 672-677, 1990.

van Lunteren E, Martin RJ, Haxhiu MA, Carlo WA. Diaphragm, genioglossus, and triangularis sterni responses to poikilocapnic hypoxia. J Appl Physiol 67: 2303-2310, 1989.

van Lunteren E, Haxhiu MA, Cherniack NS. Effects of tracheal airway occlusion on hyoid muscle length and upper airway volume. J Appl Physiol 67: 2296-2302, 1989.

Haxhiu MA, Deal EC, van Lunteren E, Cherniack NS. Central modulatory effects of tachykinin peptides on airway tone. J Auton Nerv Syst 28: 105-115, 1989.

Haxhiu MA, van Lunteren E, Cherniack NS, Deal EC. Benzodiazepines acting on ventral surface of medulla cause airway dilation. Am J Physiol 257: R810-815, 1989.

Haxhiu MA, van Lunteren E, Deal EC, Cherniack NS. Role of the ventral surface of medulla in the generation of Mayer waves. Am J Physiol 257: R804-809, 1989.

Haxhiu MA, Deal EC, Cherniack NS. Influence of respiratory drive on airway responses to excitation of lung C-fibers. J Appl Physiol 67: 203-209, 1989.

Oliven A, Haxhiu M, Kelsen SG. Reflex effect of esophageal distension on respiratory muscle activity and pressure. J Appl Physiol 66: 536-541, 1989.

van Lunteren E, Daniels R, Deal EC, Jr., Haxhiu MA. Role of costal and crural diaphragm and parasternal intercostals during coughing in cats. J Appl Physiol 66: 135-141, 1989.

Cherniack NS, Adams EM, Prabhakar NR, Haxhiu M, Mitra J. Integration of cardiorespiratory responses in the ventrolateral medulla. Prog Brain Res 81: 215-220, 1989.

Haxhiu MA, van Lunteren E, Cherniack NS. Responses of upper-airway dilating muscles and dia­phragm activity to end-expiratory pressure loading in anesthetized dogs. Respiration 56: 1-10, 1989.

van Lunteren E, Haxhiu MA, Cherniack NS, Arnold JS. Role of triangularis sterni during coughing and sneezing in dogs. J Appl Physiol 65: 2440-2445, 1988.

Haxhiu MA, Deal EC, Jr., Trivedi RD, van Lunteren E, Cherniack NS. Tracheal and phrenic responses to neurotensin applied to ventral medulla. Am J Physiol 255: R780-786, 1988.

Haxhiu MA, van Lunteren E, Deal EC, Cherniack NS. Effect of stimulation of pulmonary C-fiber receptors on canine respiratory muscles. J Appl Physiol 65: 1087-1092, 1988.

Strohl KP, Norcia MP, Wolin AD, Haxhiu MA, van Lunteren E, Deal EC, Jr. Nasal and tracheal responses to chemical and somatic afferent stimulation in anesthetized cats. J Appl Physiol 65: 870-877, 1988.

van Lunteren E, Prabhakar NR, Cherniack NS, Haxhiu MA, Dick TE. Inhibition of expiratory muscle EMG and motor unit activity during augmented breaths in cats. Respir Physiol 72: 303-314, 1988.

van Lunteren E, Haxhiu MA, Cherniack NS, Arnold JS. Rib cage and abdominal expiratory muscle responses to CO2 and esophageal distension. J Appl Physiol 64: 846-853, 1988.

Arnold JS, Haxhiu MA, Cherniack NS, van Lunteren E. Transverse abdominis length changes during eupnea, hypercapnia, and airway occlusion. J Appl Physiol 64: 658-665, 1988.

Haxhiu MA, Jakupi M, Dreshaj IA, Dokic TD, Ahmetaj H. [The effect of Ca2+ blockers on the response of respiratory tract smooth muscle to bronchoconstrictor and bronchodilator agents]. Plucne Bolesti 40: 3-8, 1988.

Haxhiu MA, van Lunteren E, Mitra J, Cherniack NS. Comparison of the response of diaphragm and upper airway dilating muscle activity in sleeping cats. Respir Physiol 70: 183-193, 1987.

van Lunteren E, Haxhiu MA, Cherniack NS. Relation between upper airway volume and hyoid muscle length. J Appl Physiol 63: 1443-1449, 1987.

Haxhiu MA, Strohl KP, Norcia MP, van Lunteren E, Deal EC, Jr., Cherniack NS. A role for the ventral surface of the medulla in regulation of nasal resistance. Am J Physiol 253: R494-500, 1987.

Deal EC, Jr., Haxhiu MA, Norcia MP, van Lunteren E, Cherniack NS. Cooling the intermediate area of the ventral medullary surface affects tracheal responses to hypoxia. Respir Physiol 69: 335-345, 1987.

Haxhiu MA, Deal EC, Jr., Norcia MP, van Lunteren E, Cherniack NS. Effect of N-methyl-D-aspartate applied to the ventral surface of the medulla on the trachea. J Appl Physiol 63: 1268-1274, 1987.

van Lunteren E, Haxhiu MA, Deal EC, Jr., Arnold JS, Cherniack NS. Respiratory changes in thoracic muscle length during bronchoconstriction. J Appl Physiol 63: 221-228, 1987.

Morris SC, Ukmata H, Begraca M, Canhasi B, Haxhiu MA. Epidemiological data base for a health effects study at a coal gasification plant. Arh Hig Rada Toksikol 38: 149-157, 1987.

van Lunteren E, Mitra J, Prabhakar NR, Haxhiu MA, Cherniack NS. Ventral medullary surface inputs to cervical sympathetic respiratory oscillations. Am J Physiol 252: R1032-1038, 1987.

van Lunteren E, Haxhiu MA, Cherniack NS. Mechanical function of hyoid muscles during spontaneous breathing in cats. J Appl Physiol 62: 582-590, 1987.

van Lunteren E, Haxhiu MA and Cherniack NS. Effects of respiratory stimulation on alae nasi electromyograms and respiratory changes in length in dogs. Respiration 51: 58-67, 1987.

Haxhiu R, Mandura I, Haxhiu MA. [Variation in 2,3-diphosphoglycerate in relation to the body weight and age of neonates and the age of healthy school-age children and adults]. Plucne Bolesti 39: 85-89, 1987.

Miric M, Mandura I, Haxhiu MA. [Comparative study of the effects of physical exertion on resistance in the lower respiratory tract and nasal resistance in patients with bronchial asthma]. Plucne Bolesti 39: 21-24, 1987.

Haxhiu R, Mandura I, Haxhiu MA. [The significance of organic phosphates in the tissue oxygen supply in neonates with respiratory distress syndrome]. Plucne Bolesti 39: 69-72, 1987.

van Lunteren E, Haxhiu MA, Prabhakar NR, Mitra J, Cherniack NS. Increased duration of postinspiratory inspiratory activity during augmented breaths in cats. Neurosci Lett 71: 83-88, 1986.

Deal EC, Jr., Haxhiu MA, Norcia MP, Mitra J, Cherniack NS. Influence of the ventral surface of the medulla on tracheal responses to CO2. J Appl Physiol 61: 1091-1097, 1986.

Mitra J, Prabhakar NR, Haxhiu M, Cherniack NS. Comparison of the effects of hypercapnia on phrenic and hypoglossal activity in anesthetized decerebrate and decorticate animals. Brain Res Bull 17: 181-187, 1986.

Haxhiu MA, Deal EC, Jr., Norcia MP, van Lunteren E, Mitra J, Cherniack NS. Influence of ventrolateral surface of medulla on reflex tracheal constriction. J Appl Physiol 61: 791-796, 1986.

Prabhakar NR, Mitra J, Van de Graaff W, Haxhiu MA, Cherniack NS. Effect of focal cooling of central chemosensitive areas on cerebral ischemic response. Am J Physiol 251: R295-302, 1986.

Zuskin E, Dreshaj I, Jakupi M, Haxhiu MA. Effect of exposure to green coffee dust extract on airway reactivity. Arh Hig Rada Toksikol 37: 205-216, 1986.

Haxhiu MA, Deal EC, Jr., Norcia MP, Van Lunteren E, Mitra J, Cherniack NS. Medullary effects of nicotine and GABA on tracheal smooth muscle tone. Respir Physiol 64: 351-363, 1986.

van Lunteren E, Haxhiu MA, Cherniack NS. Stimulation of respiratory changes in alae nasi length by chemoreceptor activation. Respir Physiol 63: 361-373, 1986.

Jakupi M, Djokic TD, Karahoda-Gjurgjeala N, Zuskin E, Haxhiu MA. Effect of ethanol on the isolated airway smooth muscle tone. Acta Med Iugosl 40: 207-214, 1986.

Haxhiu MA, Mitra J, van Lunteren E, Prabhakar N, Bruce EN, Cherniack NS. Responses of hypoglossal and phrenic nerves to decreased respiratory drive in cats. Respiration 50: 130-138, 1986.

Haxhiu MA, Mandura I, Moracic V, Jakupi M, Ahmetaj H. [Bronchial response to prostaglandins (F2 alpha and D2) and leukotrienes in patients with bronchial asthma]. Plucne Bolesti 38: 3-11, 1986.

van Lunteren E, Haxhiu MA, Cherniack NS. Respiratory changes in nasal muscle length. J Appl Physiol 59: 453-458, 1985.

Haxhiu MA, Mitra J, van Lunteren E, Prabhakar NR, Cherniack NS. Influence of central chemoreceptor afferent inputs on respiratory muscle activity. Am J Physiol 249: R266-273, 1985.

Haxhiu MA, Moracic V. [The role of the ventral surface of the medulla oblongata in the central regulation of airway smooth muscle tone]. Plucne Bolesti 37: 267-274, 1985.

Mandura I, Jakupi M, Haxhiu M. [Relation between the transfer factor and indicators of pulmonary function in patients with chronic obstructive bronchitis]. Arh Hig Rada Toksikol 36: 185-194, 1985.

van Lunteren E, Haxhiu MA, Cherniack NS, Goldman MD. Differential costal and crural diaphragm compensation for posture changes. J Appl Physiol 58: 1895-1900, 1985.

Mitra J, Prabhakar NR, Haxhiu MA, Cherniack NS. The effects of hypercapnia and cooling the ventral medullary surface on capsaicin induced respiratory reflexes. Respir Physiol 60: 377-385, 1985.

van Lunteren E, Haxhiu MA, Goldman MD, Cherniack NS. Costal and crural diaphragm and intercostal muscle activity during augmented breaths in cats. Neurosci Lett 56: 283-288, 1985.

Belegu M, Bizjak M, Mandura I, Haxhiu MA. [The significance of organic phosphates in the oxygen supply to tissues during pulmonary insufficiency]. Plucne Bolesti 37: 43-49, 1985.

Haxhiu MA, Cherniack NS. [Response of the hypoglossal and phrenic nerves to the inhibition and stimulation of central chemoreceptors]. Plucne Bolesti 37: 28-36, 1985.

Haxhiu MA, Mitra J, van Lunteren E, Bruce EN, Cherniack NS. Hypoglossal and phrenic responses to cholinergic agents applied to ventral medullary surface. Am J Physiol 247: R939-944, 1984.

van Lunteren E, Haxhiu MA, Deal EC, Jr., Perkins D, Cherniack NS. Effects of CO2 and bronchoconstriction on costal and crural diaphragm electromyograms. J Appl Physiol 57: 1347-1353, 1984.

Haxhiu MA, van Lunteren E, Mitra J, Cherniack NS, Strohl KP. Comparison of the responses of the diaphragm and upper airway muscles to central stimulation of the sciatic nerve. Respir Physiol 58: 65-76, 1984.

Haxhiu MA, van Lunteren E, Van de Graaff WB, Strohl KP, Bruce EN, Mitra J, Cherniack NS. Action of nicotine on the respiratory activity of the diaphragm and genioglossus muscles and the nerves that innervate them. Respir Physiol 57: 153-169, 1984.

Cherniack NS, Haxhiu MA, Mitra J, Strohl K, van Lunteren E. Responses of upper airway, intercostal and diaphragm muscle activity to stimulation of oesophageal afferents in dogs. J Physiol 349: 15-25, 1984.

van Lunteren E, van de Graaff WB, Parker DM, Mitra J, Haxhiu MA, Strohl KP, Cherniack NS. Nasal and laryngeal reflex responses to negative upper airway pressure. J Appl Physiol 56: 746-752, 1984.

van Lunteren E, Haxhiu MA, Mitra J and Cherniack NS. Effects of dopamine, isoproterenol, and lobeline on cranial and phrenic motoneurons. J Appl Physiol 56: 737-745, 1984.

Haxhiu MA, van Lunteren E, Mitra J, Cherniack NS. Responses to chemical stimulation of upper airway muscles diaphragm in awake cats. J Appl Physiol 56: 397-403, 1984.

Haxhiu MA, Krasniqi A, Trpković M, Mandura I. [Comparison of the bronchoconstrictive effect of inhaled histamine and physical stress]. Plućne Bolesti 36: 34-39, 1984.

Haxhiu R, Mandura I, Dedovic B, Fehmiu N, Haxhiu MA. [Concentration of serum alpha 1-antitrypsin in newborn infants with pulmonary disorders]. Plucne Bolesti 36: 22-27, 1984.

Haxhiu MA, Rasche B, Zimmermann I, Ulmer WT. Release of histamine and catecholamines in experimental asthma in dogs. Acta Med Iugosl 38: 269-277, 1984.

Haxhiu MA, Deal EC, Jr., Van de Graaff WB, Van Lunteren E, Salamone JA, Cherniack NS. Bronchoconstriction: upper airway dilating muscle and diaphragm activity. J Appl Physiol 55: 1837-1843, 1983.

Haxhiu MA, Cherniack NS, Altose MD, Kelsen SG. Effect of respiratory loading on the relationship between occlusion pressure and diaphragm EMG during hypoxia and hypercapnia. Am Rev Respir Dis 127: 185-188, 1983.

Belegu M, Mandura I, Haxhiu MA. [The effect of hypoxia of various duration on the hematocrit and 2,3-diphosphoglycerate level in the erythrocytes of rats]. Acta Med Iugosl 37: 385-391, 1983.

Jakupi M, Mandura I, Kastrati B, Haxhiu MA. [Concentration of histamine in the sputum of patients with chronic obstructive lung diseases and chronic pulmonary tuberculosis]. Plucne Bolesti Tuberk 35: 103-107, 1983.

Haxhiu MA, Cherniack NS, Altose MD, Kelsen SG. Effect of histamine on respiratory chemosensitivity in conscious goats. Respiration 44: 411-418, 1983.

Punimet e lartpërmendura janë cituar në më se 2300 dorëshkrime, të botuara në revista e të përcjella me recensione. Ka hartuar edhe monografi, si dhe ka dhënë edhe kontribute të tjera profesionale e shkencore në vend dhe jashtë. Në vitet 1992-2003 ka punuar në projekte dhe programe shkencore, të financuara nga Instituti Kombëtar Shëndëtsor i SHBA (National Institut of Health, USA).

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