Al-Monitor reporter blames non-existent Palestinians for synagogue bombing

More Zionist than the NYT:
So this Ash Gallagher claims in her story (which was the top story of the day at the normalizing site Al-Monitor) that " A few years later, in 1982, the  synagogue was hit by Israeli shrapnel  during a bombardment of the Palestinians in the synagogue’s neighborhood."
Well, I clicked on the hyperlink. The original NYT article not only does NOT make such a claim, but does not even mention the presence of any Palestinians near the site (refers to Kurds and Shiite Muslims) and explicitly says that the Jews there were not harassed by Arabs. 
Was Gallagher there at the time? Or did she see the Palestinian in her dreams? And how dare she skew the report and blame the attack on Palestinians (even if some were present - which I believe they were to protect the site) while omitting all the positive stuff?"