[AfricaRealities.com] Paul Kagame behind the assassination  the Burundian leader according to Bosco Mutarambirwa



Is Paul Kagame behind yesterday's  assassination  of one of the Burundian Opposition leaders just the same way he killed Rwandan opposition leaders Félicien Gatabazi,  Emmanuel Gapyisi and Martin Bucyana? The answer is Yes according to Bosco Mutarambirwa. Read arguments.

"Burundi: It is becoming clearer that Paul Kagame's RPF is behind the chaos in Burundi. Azidi Feruzi, a leader of UPD opposition political party, was assassinated in Bujumbura today as he was returning home. His bodyguard was also assassinated. The identity of the assassins remains unknown. When RPF assassinated Félicien Gatabazi under similar circumstances, using similar methods, the violence escalated. Martin Bucyana's assassination followed, and many more. RPF made Gatabazi's murder deceivingly appear as if it was done by what they called "Hutu extremists". Kagame is hoping for escalation of violence in Burundi. Kagame is hoping this assassination counts against Nkurunziza and Indeberakure.
Burundi's authorities better take this assassinations seriously. They must investigate immediately and put perpetrators to shame before things get out of control. They must call assassins by their names, and identify who the assassins are working for and make this information available to the public.
Burundians must not rush to revenge killing. These are likely to spiral out of control and engorge Burundi in a bloodbath similar to one Rwanda went through end 1993-beginning 1994.


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Envoyé par : itwagira71 <itwagira71@gmail.com>


Posted by: Alfred Nganzo <alfrednganzo@yahoo.com>
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