A CIA Insider's Account On What Happened At Benghazi

Mike Morell, Politico: The Real Story of Benghazi

A CIA insider’s account of what happened on 9/11/12

On September 11, 2012, I was in Amman, Jordan, part of my routine international visits as deputy director of the CIA. I had already been to Israel and was due the next day to depart for Saudi Arabia. I had dined that night with the head of the Jordanian military and the head of Jordanian intelligence, and upon returning to the hotel I checked in with Washington and caught up on e-mail before going to bed. Earlier in the day I had seen reports about an incident in Cairo that, although troubling, seemed to have ended without too much damage and with no injuries.

It wasn’t long before I was woken from a sound sleep by a knock on the door from one of my assistants, who told me that another incident had taken place, this one at the State Department facility in Benghazi, and that CIA security officers had responded in order to assist. My assistant told me that one State Department officer had been killed and the ambassador’s whereabouts were unknown. She said that everyone else had relocated to the CIA base in Benghazi and was believed safe, adding that our chief of station (COS) in Tripoli was sending security officers as reinforcements from Tripoli to Benghazi.

WNU editor: It is telling that former CIA Deputy Director Mike Morell admits to the following ....

.... At the end of the day, are the Libyan people better off after their revolution than before? I’m not so sure.

Mike Morell does not add any new information to what happened at Benghazi .... he still blames it on a video that no one saw, and that the attack was not premeditated .... even though tit occurred on the anniversary of 9/11 and other reports are saying otherwise .... Hillary Received Memo Describing Benghazi As Planned Terror Attack Within Hours (Daily Caller). He also does not make any mention of this .... Military intel predicted rise of ISIS in 2012, detailed arms shipments from Benghazi to Syria (FOX News) .... nor has he commented on the above video (from FOX News) because his comments in the past .... Former CIA Deputy Director In New Book: CIA Failed To See Al-Qaeda "Rebound'. Benghazi Attack Has Been Politicized .... are a complete contradiction to what we now know the intelligence assessment was saying at the time.

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