5.5.2015. Great attention of Internet users: Ecology, environment, water, environmental, safety, protection, ecotoxicology, bioassay, water quality and self-purification, aquatic, toxicology, surfactants, detergents, filter-feeders, Ökologie, Umwelt, Wasser, Umwelt, Sicherheit, Schutz, Ökotoxikologie, Biotest, Wasserqualität und Selbstreinigung, Wassertiere, Toxikologie, Tenside, Detergenzien, Filtrierer, 生态,环境,水利,环保,安全,防护,生态毒理学,生物测定,水质和自净,水产,毒理,表面活性剂,洗涤剂,滤食性,在线 Ekologie, omgewing, water, omgewing, veiligheid, beskerming,

5.5.2015. Great attention of Internet users: environmental science, 103 full texts online free;

Increase in attention: At this moment 60 downloads, 788 views. Recently it was only 47 downloads, 695 views by 25.03.2015; 31 downloads. 468 views on Jan 15, 2015 (264 views on Jan 2); bookmarked;
These publications were mentioned at web-sites, web-pages associated with top world universities. Online: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/267636325 ;
103 full texts. Researchgate. Ecology, environment, water, environmental, safety, protection, ecotoxicology, bioassay, water quality and self-purification, aquatic, toxicology, surfactants, detergents, filter-feeders, online, free, гидробиология; in peer-reviewed journals with Impact Factor up to 38.60; 02.11.2014. 34 pages.
DOI: 10.13140/2.1.1244.2563;
The list of the 103 titles and links to full texts online free:


in English, in Russian, publications, articles, papers, books;
103 full texts at Researchgate. Environment, ecology, biology. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/267636325_103_full_texts_at_Researchgate._Environment_ecology_biology [accessed May 5, 2015].

in German: 2015.05.05. Große Aufmerksamkeit der Internet-Nutzer:
Erhöhung der Aufmerksamkeit: Zu diesem Zeitpunkt 60 Downloads, 788 Ansichten. Vor kurzem war es nur 47 Downloads, 695 Ansichten von 2015.03.25; 31 Downloads. 468 Ansichten zu 15. Januar 2015 (264 Ansichten am Jan 2); Lesezeichen;
Diese Veröffentlichungen wurden bei Web-Seiten, der Web-Seiten mit Top-Universitäten weltweit assoziiert erwähnt. Online: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/267636325;
103 Volltexte. Researchgate. Ökologie, Umwelt, Wasser, Umwelt, Sicherheit, Schutz, Ökotoxikologie, Biotest, Wasserqualität und Selbstreinigung, Wassertiere, Toxikologie, Tenside, Detergenzien, Filtrierer, online
in Chinese:
提高注意力:此时60下载,788的意见。最近,它只有47下载,695浏览用2015年3月25日; 31下载。在2015年1月15日(在1月2日264意见)468意见;书签;
103全文。 Researchgate。生态,环境,水利,环保,安全,防护,生态毒理学,生物测定,水质和自净,水产,毒理,表面活性剂,洗涤剂,滤食性,在线
in Portuguese:
2015/05/05. Grande atenção dos usuários da Internet:
Aumento de atenção: Neste momento 60 Downloads, 788 visualizações. Recentemente ele tinha apenas 47 downloads, 695 visualizações por 2015/03/25; 31 downloads. 468 pontos de vista sobre 15 de janeiro de 2015 (264 pontos de vista sobre 02 de janeiro); marcada;
Estas publicações foram mencionados na web-sites, páginas web associados a universidades superiores do mundo. On-line: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/267636325;
103 textos completos. ResearchGate. Ecologia, ambiente, água, meio ambiente, segurança, proteção, ecotoxicologia, bioensaio, qualidade da água e auto-purificação, aquático, toxicologia, surfactantes, detergentes, filtradores, on-line
in Afrikaanse:
2015/05/05. Groot aandag van Internet-gebruikers:
Toename in aandag: Op hierdie oomblik 60 downloads, 788 views. Onlangs was dit net 47 downloads, 695 views deur 2015/03/25; 31 downloads. 468 views op 15 Januarie 2015 (264 views op 2 Jan); geboekmerk;
Hierdie publikasies is genoem na webwerwe, web-bladsye wat verband hou met top wêreld universiteite. Online: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/267636325;
103 volle tekste. Researchgate. Ekologie, omgewing, water, omgewing, veiligheid, beskerming, ekotoksikologie, bioassay, watergehalte en self-suiwering, water, toksikologie, oppervlak, skoonmaakmiddels, filter-feeders, online

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