13.5.2015. Updt. Recommended at World Catalog, publications: ecology, environmental science, biology.

13.5.2015. Updt.


Recommended at World Catalog, publications: ecology, environmental science, biology.
These publications were recommended by Professor S. K.:


previous draft:

Description:This is the list of really innovative, excellent, outstanding publications on ecology, environmental science, biology. These publications are ahead of their time. I predict that they will have excellent citation. I recommend these brilliant and useful publications to my colleagues and students.
Privacy:This list is public and can be seen by everyone
also see:
PubMed. Environment, ecology, water  (author: Moscow State University). Full texts of the papers of this author - his papers which were indexed at PubMed. The full texts are available online free. Springer. Web of science

The web-sites with the full texts see here:

40 publications on environmental science, ecology, biology. Selected.

31 Top Springer Publications (life science, ecology, environmental science, water science, biology: innovations, new facts, new ideas). Full texts free. Also, indexed: Springer Link, Internet service. Selected

Biological Effects of Surfactants. by S  A Ostroumov

  eBook : Document
Language: English
Publisher: Hoboken : CRC Press, 2005.
Database: WorldCat
The Hazard of a Two-Level Synergism of Synecological... by S A Ostroumov

Article Article
Language: English
Publication: Doklady. Biological sciences : Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, biological sciences sections. 380, no. 1, (2001): 499
Publisher: New York, N.Y. : Consultants Bureau Enterprises, c1965-
Database: ArticleFirst
Effect of Amphiphilic Chemicals on Filter-Feeding... by S A Ostroumov

Article Article
Language: English
Publication: Doklady. Biological sciences : Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, biological sciences sections. 378, no. 1, (2001): 248
Publisher: New York, N.Y. : Consultants Bureau Enterprises, c1965-
Database: ArticleFirst
General Biology - The Concept of Aquatic Biota... by S A Ostroumov

Article Article
Language: English
Publication: Doklady. Biological sciences : Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, biological sciences sections. 372, no. 1, (2000): 286
Publisher: New York, N.Y. : Consultants Bureau Enterprises, c1965-
Database: ArticleFirst
A New Type of Effect of Potentially Hazardous... by S A Ostroumov

Article Article
Language: English
Publication: Doklady. Biological sciences : Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, biological sciences sections. 383, no. 1, (2002): 127
Publisher: New York, N.Y. : Consultants Bureau Enterprises, c1965-
Database: ArticleFirst
General Biology - An Aquatic Ecosystem: A Large-Scale... by S A Ostroumov
by S A Ostroumov
Article Article
Language: English
Publication: Doklady. Biological sciences : Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, biological sciences sections. 374, no. 1, (2000): 514
Publisher: New York, N.Y. : Consultants Bureau Enterprises, c1965-
Database: ArticleFirst
The Geochemical Apparatus of Aqueous Ecosystems:... by S  A Ostroumov
by S A Ostroumov
Article Article
Language: Russian
Publication: Vestnik Rossiĭskoĭ akademii nauk. 74, no. 9, (2004): 785-791
Publisher: Moskva : Nauka, 1992-
Database: ArticleFirst
The Functions of Living Substances in the Biosphere by S  A Ostroumov
by S A Ostroumov
Article Article
Language: Russian
Publication: Vestnik Rossiĭskoĭ akademii nauk. Part 3 (2003): 232-238
Publisher: Moskva : Nauka, 1992-
Database: ArticleFirst
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The total List of Publications at World Catalog, of the author of the recommended publications (Moscow University). Ecology, Environment, Water, Biology, Conservation, surfactants, filter-feeders, aquatic plants, bivalves, Mytilus, bibliography, 92 items:



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