13.5.2015. Updt.
Recommended at World Catalog, publications: ecology, environmental science, biology.
These publications were recommended by Professor S. K.:
These publications were recommended by Professor S. K.:
previous draft:
Things I Recommend |
Part 1 of the list: this post [ http://5bio5.blogspot.ru/2014/07/recommended-at-world-catalog.html ]
Part 2 of the list: http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/07/new-additions-list-of-recommended-top.html
Part 3 of the list: http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/07/10-recommended-top-papers-part-3-of.html
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WorldCat Tags
Tags entered by all WorldCat users for all items on this list
- 1 items are tagged with
- 1 items are tagged withapplied
- 3 items are tagged withaquatic
- 1 items are tagged withaquatic biodiversity
- 4 items are tagged withaquatic ecosystems
- 1 items are tagged withbenthal
- 1 items are tagged withbenthos
- 1 items are tagged withbiodiversity
- 1 items are tagged withbiogeochemical flows
- 2 items are tagged withbiogeochemistry
- 1 items are tagged withbiological
- 3 items are tagged withbiosphere
- 2 items are tagged withbiota
- 2 items are tagged withbivalves
- 1 items are tagged withchemicals
- 1 items are tagged withcrassostrea gigas
- 1 items are tagged withdetergens
- 4 items are tagged withdetergents
- 1 items are tagged withecological chemomediators
- 1 items are tagged withecological chemoregulators
- 2 items are tagged withecology
- 1 items are tagged withecology water
- 2 items are tagged withecosystem
- 4 items are tagged withecosystems
- 6 items are tagged withecotoxicology
- 3 items are tagged withenvironmental
- 1 items are tagged withenvironmental science
- 1 items are tagged witheutrophication
- 3 items are tagged withfilter-feeders
- 3 items are tagged withfreshwater
- 1 items are tagged withfreshwater ecosystem
- 1 items are tagged withfunction
- 1 items are tagged withfundamental
- 1 items are tagged withhazards
- 1 items are tagged withhydrobiology
- 1 items are tagged withinnovations
- 1 items are tagged withinteractions
- 1 items are tagged withkey words: aquatic
- 3 items are tagged withmarine
- 1 items are tagged withmarine ecosystem
- 2 items are tagged withmarine organisms
- 1 items are tagged withmussels
- 1 items are tagged withmytilus
- 1 items are tagged withnew concepts
- 4 items are tagged withorganisms
- 1 items are tagged withoysters
- 1 items are tagged withpelagial
- 1 items are tagged withpheromones
- 5 items are tagged withpollutants
- 4 items are tagged withpollution
- 2 items are tagged withpollution control
- 1 items are tagged withsafety
- 1 items are tagged withscience
- 2 items are tagged withself-purification
- 1 items are tagged withsolution
- 4 items are tagged withsurfactants
- 2 items are tagged withsuspension feeders
- 1 items are tagged withwater
- 6 items are tagged withwater quality
- 6 items are tagged withwater self-purification
- 1 items are tagged withxenobiotics
The total List of Publications at World Catalog, of the author of the recommended publications (Moscow University). Ecology, Environment, Water, Biology, Conservation, surfactants, filter-feeders, aquatic plants, bivalves, Mytilus, bibliography, 92 items: