Would you like to get involved in a fundraiser to help the Petersen Museum restore their Davis Divan? Better decide quick

After World War II, dozens of entrepreneurs formed companies to manufacture automobiles to meet the pent-up demand for new cars. Gary Davis built and promoted a particularly unusual car with aircraft-inspired styling, disappearing headlights, four-abreast seating, aluminum body construction, and the simplicity of three wheels.

 It was touted as the car of the future. Due to postwar material shortages and a lack of capital, Davis could not realize his dream of mass-producing his car and only about 17 vehicles were built in a hangar at the Van Nuys Airport.

for the list of perks, from stickers, to a ride in the finished car, tours of the Petersen Museum, and unveiling party:  https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/let-s-build-this-3-wheeled-car-together

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