Working for civil liberties in Europe since
(00 44) 207 697 4266
Our civil liberties are continually under threat. In the last year we've uncovered EU plans to apprehend undocumented migrants, to forcefully take fingerprints of refugees at the borders, and revealed proposals for states to be able to decrypt internet communications and get remote access to computers.
As a result of Statewatch making secret documents public, civil society, groups and individuals have been able to organise, mobilise and stand up for our basic rights - but we've only been able to do this with your support. Many of you have followed and supported our work for a number of years and some of you have done so since we started in 1991.
We are writing to thank you, and to ask if you could continue this support by making a financial contribution to our work.
We provide daily news, documentation on the policies and practices of EU institutions and national governments which affect our liberties, and are proud of our ability to undertake our work with limited resources - but we need your help to continue.
We make all our online resources available for free and rarely make requests for donations. Donations from you, of any size, are invaluable to us. If you would like to become a Friend of Statewatch and are able to make a one off or regular contribution, we would greatly appreciate it.
Your support will enable Statewatch to continue to make accessible EU documents and analyses of EU and government policy. Your support will also allow us to preserve our archive and library on civil liberties and the state.
Your ongoing support is important to us and will help us to continue to improve and expand our monitoring of the state and civil liberties across Europe.
Tony Bunyan, Director
News Online:
What’s New (all new items):
Statewatch News Digest: A daily round-up of news and features around civil liberties
Observatories (20):
Analyses (1999 - ongoing):
Statewatch Journal: Archive: Since 1991:
Database, over 31,000 items:
Statewatch European Monitoring & Documentation Centre on Justice and Home Affairs in the EU:
JHA Archive - EU Justice and Home Affairs documents from 1976 onwards:
About Statewatch: